Vote No on Proposition 8, or donate to help defeat it

No on Prop 8
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.

It’s a little late in the game for this, but since I think they are being vastly outspent by the Yes side, I’m all for it. Lots of money from Utah (LDS church or members) is coming here to support the Yes side. What we don’t need is a constitutional amendment that enforces discrimination. Link

Does LDS (Mormon) have a long anti-civil rights history?

Why would anyone support inequality, except selfishness?

BTM. Often I disagree with you, but sometimes I wholeheartedly agree.

The fact that we can even vote to limit people’s rights is downright unamerican. What happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

One of the things that really gets me about this, is that the anti-gay movement makes outlandish claims about gay marriage hurting children and damaging traditional marriage. The fact is, it has absolutely zero affect on these things. There is not a single fact to be found anywhere to support their claims.

The truth is, people oppose it because their church opposes it. Of course, they can’t use this as a legal argument since we are a nation which claims to support freedom of religion (which implicitly includes freedom FROM religion).

Instead, people make up lies to support their blatant bigotry.

“Proposition 8”?

It’s like Preparation H, but provides no relief.

My contribution to this thread:

Lulz, Mormunz.

Thank you.


Those who vote ‘yes’ on Prop 8 oppose gay marriage in California, USA.

It goes far beyond that. People who vote ‘yes’ on 8 want to modify the CA constitution to specifically exclude same sex marriage.

If they don’t want gays and lesbians to propose why call it a proposition…seems a little oxy-moronic.

This is so iGay.


Welcome to democracy. Yes, democracy is unamerican. Democratic representation in a constitutional republic is American.

Does Proposition 8 nullify or override Article 1, section 1, and Article 1, section 9 of California’s Constitution?

If this passes, I hope it’s challenged in court on the basis that we are not a democracy, but a country that follows the rule of law, instead of the rule of men.

The purpose of government is to enforce contracts, which is what marriage is in a legal sense. Why do people think a license is needed to get married? Should government not simply be a place where the contract is filed and documented so it can be enforced if a dispute arises?

GOD has Rights

Marriage is the sole jurisdiction of GOD. Reason why most people marry in a CHURCH. Civil law is secondary to GOD’s Law. I will pray Lord for they do not know what they do.

You guys in the US speak very much about liberty & freedom, but this really makes sure that all of that speaking is bullshit.

Even in democraties there is never polls about basic human rights.

My second contribution to this thread:

Thank you.



Do Mormons believe their fingers will burn if they use an Apple Computer?

Computers themselves are ghey. Mormons should be afraid to use any compie at all.


But, I love computers.

Maybe you should move to Hell…

It was Apple that started this thread–on their website they say they are trying to defeat it, because Apple is the computer of choice among the GLBTQ crowd.