Vote for my T-shirt designs on threadless

I submitted a couple of designs to They are voted on for a week and then, with enough “i’d buy it” votes and a high average score, it gets printed and sold and I become instantly famous. One of my designs in unicycle related, so check that out at

but the other one is in a special competition with a crazy prize package, so make sure you vote for that one too.

thanks a lot.

I like the mug t-shirt as well

Is it a coincidence that communism has “muni” in it???
Was Mao Zedong trying to tell us something…

I just thought it was funny that this is the Unicyclist Community and if you smash that together you get Communicyclist.


that is an awesome shirt. If if isn’t printed put it some place else where you can buy one.

I think that you should stick to unicycling rather than t-shirt design

Also, unicyclist community is an anagram of Communicyclist Unity.

Sorry. Too much Countdown.

Yay for the Communicyclist t-shirt! I like it!


I’d dig it if it wasn’t so damn communist.

I can’t find a way to fit in unicycle in Anarchy though…


Hey i just did some changes… tell me if u like it more or less.

i just changed the seat, and the wheel, i was thinking of changing the pedals too, maybe i will later… good thinking!! this is SICK!!!

Sorry Irvinger, I actually think it has lost some of its charm with the seat. Remember, the seat is ment to be the hammer, the top part.
