volvo anyone?

i got a 1982 244 gl with a b23e engine. basically list your volvos below. any probs as well.

I’ve got old volvo, its only broken down 3 times in its 45 year life (I think)


used to have a T70, it went through 3 ECU units and four sets of brake discs in the year and a half we had it. Utter piece of junk.

Bloody Volvo drivers…

Someday they’ll catch up with the rest of the world and invent a light switch :roll_eyes:
Amazons are quite nice though, I must admit, if a bit big.


Easy way to spot a police undercover volvo, they don’t have the lights on all the time! I don’t quite undertand, bearing in mind that manafacturers usually develop different specs, different engine maps and even different suspension for different countries, why scandiavian cars sold in this country still have permeanent headlights, surely it wouldn’t be that hard to change? (the police manage it somehow)

I’ve got a volvo zippo lighter, but i’ve never actually driven a volvo.

I’m a volvo poser… :frowning:

I very often rent cars, and so I drove most brands and models (even engine variants).
Volvo is by far my favourite. I drove multiple times the V70, V50, V40, S60, S40 and almost the XC90 (XC stands for Xpensive Car, I guess).
And I still not sure what my favourite model is, but I guess the V70.
If I have to drive from Holland to a performance in France, I hop out of the car like if it didn’t took hours of riding.

I still like to compare Jaguar (yes, renting has some benefits…), but the day that I finaly was granted the X-type… another renter crashed it the day before.

mines in the fantastically ugly volvo yellow. its got crankcase pressure probs as well, hopefully i fixed that tho. getting the service manual on e bay too if anyone needs a photocopy.

My dad has a XC70


lol wots a t70? ehehe sorry i’m being a twat.

my dad had 2 V70 (one was the old type and one the current one) and an XC70… they have very nice front seats. And the T5 V70 had nice acceleration :smiley: the XC was the coolest though mainly because it had those big black bumpers :smiley:

and i think they keep the lights on in the UK simply for fashion - you know - i have a volvo look u can spot me cause even when its real sunny i have my lights on. Although since i started driving i think its a good thing, u can always spot volvo’s real easily on the road.

And yeah cop volvo’s dont have their lights on… i noticed that. And in france volvo’s dont have their lights on either.

wow i really have nothing to do so i talk about volvos. damn i should go to bed

One V70 I wanted to ride was the one at UNICON last summer in Switserland.
It was running on ‘erdgas’ (earthgas).
I’ve asked Reto, who told me to wait for a calm moment. But at UNICON there just are no real calm moments.


No my fault, I meant V 70, looked kind of like this. it had the T5 and war marginally quick, but poor compared to cars we’ve had before and since.

Or maybe just Cross Country. :stuck_out_tongue: But I suppose that still fits:D

zee parentals have 2 both red lol,

dads got an estate cant remember what one tho and mums got a volvo haha my memory has really gone hehe might post when i remember

Well if i had to choose 2 of my favourite Volvos. It would be these animals. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Volvo swc06.jpg