View this thread but don't reply

Some threads, like First Online Podcasts, have 0 replies but 32 views.

I’m trying to get the highest ratio of views to replies.

Feel free to view it more than once!!!

Just don’t REPLY.

I’d like to beat First Online Podcasts within a day or two, by, say, getting 0 replies with 40 views.

It’s a challenge, because once it hits page 3, it’s rare to get a view. And with no replies, it will just keep moving down the page…


I just added 1,000 views to this thread, so I do believe I have the right to reply.

Speaking of that, why not have it work this way: per every 1,000 views, ONE person can post in this thread. And, if two people accidentally post in one 1,000 post range, then either one needs to delete their post, or we add another 1,000 views without a post.


Most views

Yeah a thread like this already exists.
WOOPS I posted…

Actually this one is different because it is going for the highest ratio not the highest number of views. Now its 250:1

BUMP :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh Dave, you’re so funny.

all the cool kids are doing it so i will too

idont really get it.

Good reasoning.

Most Views?

James_Potter is correct.

I think it’s a stupid waste of time and space so I am spitefully sabotaging it, by adding more replies than views

Go gettum, slugger.

Let’s have a competition, to see who will win: Me, with my 60 views per minute clicker machine, or your possibly 3 or 4 replies per minute. :wink:

tyler, i can open ten tabs, and have them all reload at once per second, making 600 views a minute, and i dont even need that little program you have

hey nah, thats rude!

ooooooooo a reply!!!

Has anyone besides me realized that this is impossible?

:slight_smile: habbywall thinks I’m a cool kid! :slight_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue: and Obie thinks I’m funny! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s also rude to waste time and space with stupid, pointless, contentless threads and then running a program to give it views which only ties up the bandwidth and accomplishes nothing.