Video Trick Clip Contest Number 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, so the video contest that went down a while back could use a repeat. i think there are many many new riders who are capable of competing in it

if i can recall, here are the rules
the first person does a trick
the second person does that trick then another trick consecutively.
the third person adds another trick
and another… etc etc
rules are: no breaks in the video, no leaving the video frame, no more than 3 full pedals, no more than 4 hops between tricks, and nothing more than simple unispins or a crankflip that an average “good” rider can do. (i.e. hickflips= NO)
the only reason for the last one is to make it last more than 10 tricks and make endurance a big part (i think the very first one went 16 or 18 tricks)

I think thats it.

lets start it with a 180 unispin

after this you have to prove your achievements with a video.
just for laughs, here is the last contest winner:

K. But its kinda dark right now. Who’s going to start off the 180 unispin?
I would but Id rather do a bit more than that.

Are 13 exclamation points necessary? :roll_eyes:

Anyways, this game was kind of fun when I started it a while back (link is below), the only problem is that it gets boring after a while, because it is just the same tricks over and over. I would suggest bringing spencer’s Uni Tricks Clips Game (link is below) back if any game is brought back. In that game, a person would post a 3-5 trick combo, and the next person would copy their combo and then film a new 3-5 trick combo (it wouldn’t keep adding up).

Uni Tricks Clips Game (spencer’s game)
Add on Combo Game (the game that I made a while back that is similar to this one)

Okay ill work on it tomorrow. But start off easy please cause I dont know that many tricks :P.

I will go out and film a 180 unispin quickly then to get this started…

Uploading it to youtube now, link coming soon.

heres the first trick clip for the contest, a 180 unispin

Heres mine: youtube
-180 unispin
-180 unispin

Here’s my little brother’s: youtube
-180 unispin
-180 unispin
-360 unispin

Edit: ill make the quality better next time

Here’s Brian’s (torkerdx): youtube
-180 unispin
-180 unispin
-360 unispin

I’ve been working on doing one trick, to another ect… but spencer said idk which thread that a combo is one trick to another, no hops, and one rotation at the most.

Yeah but these arent combos… they are just tricks. We used a few to many hops but the tricks are still there.

Okay I got this one: Link here

-180 unispin
-180 unispin
-360 unispin
-Static Smallspin

Okay I got this one: Link here

-180 unispin
-180 unispin
-360 unispin
-Static Smallspin

Okay I got this one: Link here

-180 unispin
-180 unispin
-360 unispin
-Static Smallspin

Oops. Wow the forums are slow today. At least I did it :stuck_out_tongue: Even though the small spin is kinda sketchy.

All the tricks are ment to be quite simple so that most people can take part (unlike the other contest were only the better riders could) if hicks are considered too hard so should smallspins and 360 twists otherwise I could have just gone out and filmed a few hickflips and a 180 flip and then there are only a few people who could compete because straight away they cant do the trick and stand no chance of landing them after doing a series of other tricks.

I thought the idea of this competition was to take a few simple tricks and land them one after another making it hard but letting the riders who can only land those tricks still compete.

oh well just makes us guys who suck at freestyle and flatland more aware as to who ask questions to about certain tricks…

ok, yeah, lets go back to the 360 unispin. forget the 360 and smallspin.


lets go from there.

ok I just went out and did that quickly but added a seat drop on the end which Im sure everyone can do.

so now it is:

180 unispin
180 unispin
360 unispin
seat drop

I will put it up in a min, its not too clean but I only had a few shots at it because it started to rain.