Me and 3 others made this video for spanish class. The Chapter was on injuries/accident/treatments. I’ll be honest, the acting is terrible, and everything is extremely cheesy, so those here who can speak spanish are likely to find this extremely amusing.
We filmed everything in around 2 hours, so most of these things are first or second takes. AKA, as long as we didn’t howl with laughter, we decided it was good.
thats pretty funny… I liked it, i watched most of it, but i got bored… so i stopped it like 2/3 through i think, when the one chick said are you okay, and you said not good. Yeah…
yeah, of course. I love spanish. I actually got messed up thismorning when i was tired, i was reading some words in spanish on here… Dudewithasock said nacho-y cheese, and it messed me up. I know a bit of spanish, i even seem to translate things without knowing it. From spanish to english, and vise versa… I’ll just be talking to someone, and then repeat what i said in spanish under my breath lol…