OKay, my friend rececntly bought a $325 digital video camera, partly for the sole purpose of making…unicycling movies. But we dont have a way of editing footage. I have Windows XP movie maker, but that doesnt do what we want. What we’d like to do is move clips around, shorten clips, take clips/sections out, etc.
So what Im asking, is how do we edit like that? Is there a software you have to buy, do you download it off the interent, or can you do it in Windows MM and we just dont know how?
For really simple stuff like that, WMM is all you need. But once you want to do some more interesting stuff, you might want to get some software. coughp2pcough
What DK is trying to say is download a nice p2p app, I recomend getting edonkey since, its german, and has alot of apps, or use bittorent if you know how to use that.
here is a linke to get edonkey:
Or search some torrent sites for adobe premier.
Thats really what you’ll want to get, adobe premier pro, very nice app, and never fear, if your download dosn’t come with a crack.
www.cracks.am, or www.cracks.st
Or you could be totaly awsome, and not illegal, and just download a linux distro, and say fobar to you windows. Since linux comes with video editing softwear, I recomend mepis linux, its a very user friendly flavor of the debian distro. www.mepis.org or unbutu www.ubuntulinux.org
Using Windows MM is like using paint. You can do simple stuff, but anything even slightly complicated is terrible.
Good luck finding a working pirate of Adobe Premier that won’t destroy your computer.
For some odd reason, I never thought to boot up Fedora and see what video editing stuff they package. Is there a linux implementation of the divx codec? I hear google calling…
Hmm, okay, I know that you can move clips around and add/remove clips in WMM, but dont they already have to be seprate clips first? How does wmm seprate sections…?
I’ll have to play around with it some more, If that doesnt work I’ll look into edonkey…as long as its free.
Ever single video file i have on my 120gb hd runs on linux (And thats ALOT of videos) I only had to download WM9 codec. And with the advent of apt-get with debian distros, its rediculously easy, to instal/modify/update/uninstal softwear in linux, infact easier then it is in windows… unless you want to get something that isn’t in the apt-get repositorys ^^
Then /. comes in handy ^^
P.S. I run Debian distro’s only, the other suck. Go for Unbutu, or Mepis.
All the tutorial videos on www.unicycle.2ya.com were done using Windows Movie Maker 2. It doesn’t sound like you want much more than that for now. I used it for quite a while, and have now upgraded to Vegas Movie Studio 4.0 which I’m really happy with and only cost $100. I figured I’ll be using it enough that it’s worth my paying for it.
Cause the people distributing warez and cracks and keygens are not the same people who want to make a big bot net for themselves and install a root kit or backdoor on your computer.
[THREADJACK] My dinky camera record’s .mov files, and I no longer have a working converter, anyopne have any suggestions for some software that edits .mov files, or can convert them, without a watermark.[/THREADJACK]
If you can afford it, just go out and buy Final Cut Pro. Better yet, find a friend with an Avid and have him/her cut it for you, then output as a Quicktime file.
I personally (and am not proud of myself, but I really need it) pirated Premiere Pro 7 using BitTorrent.
If you aren’t very good with computers in general then it might confuse you at first, but its simple enough to get some decent effects going, and comes with built in things for doing transitions for both audio and video. Both of my videos were done using it, and I’m looking into more experimental stuff at the moment.
When you have video already in you collections you play it and pause it at the part where you want to cut it then you click the button below the screen where it plays (on the top right). If you put your mouse over it it says something about cutting the video at playhead…then you have 2 clips so just keep doing that until you isolate the part that you want.
All of my movies were done in WMM:D