Video Editing Software

Just got a hd hero for christmas…

Now, wondering what everyone tihinks is a good piece of software to do some video editing on the PC.

Nothing too elaborate - read low $$ - just want to cut & paste and put some tunes behind the video.

Thanks in advance,


quicktime is super cheap. around 30$, it’ll trim clips ff or slow mo clips, and you can add music.

i use cyberlink powerdirector, about 70-80$ and it’ll do a lot more.

you can get pro software like Sony Vegas 10 from the internet - you just need to do a little bit of hacking - but its free :smiley:

I use Sony Vegas and I would highly recommend it because of the comprehensive interface and the format support. Unlike Windows Movie Maker, you do not need to convert the GoPro’s file format in order to use it in Vegas.

There are ways to get it for free without using torrents, but I wouldn’t recommend them wink.:smiley:

OK I am quite an experienced editor, and I can tell you that Sony Vegas Pro will do everything you need, and it’s free. It’s extremely easy to pirate.

However, if you’re gonna buy one, get Final Cut Pro. It has hands down the best interface, and is very powerful. Hell, David Fincher’s Zodiac was actually edited on it.

Open source alternative-- totally irrelevant probably, but what I’m using is
Does everything I could want, exports to every format I could want.

Except that it runs on a system that nobody would want…
Just kidding, I don’t really wanna start a Tux war here :wink:

Or just walk into a software shop and shoplift it?
Isn’t that the same thing?

Not exactly.

I’m listening…

Agreed :smiley: - Its so powerful but it can be a bit challenging at first :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, and suppose pirating is similar to shoplifting but nowadays its more common :roll_eyes:

Well, the main difference is that when you shoplift you actually remove something that is physical and had cost money to produce from the shop. If you pirate(and not at sea) the only loss for the company is potential profit. And then even that is debatable.

So that’s become our way of telling right from wrong?
Cause there were a bunch of stuff going down in Rwanda in 1994 that was “more common” but that you and I might agree wasn’t exactly the highpoint of mankind’s moral development.

And the program as written did NOT cost money to produce?
Who do you think paid the programmer?
Or bought the chair he’s sitting on?
Or paid the rent on the office-space he’s occupying?

Did that all happen for free?

Sure did. And they market the program to professional producers who buy the software with the money they made. That money goes to pay for the programmers, their chairs and office-space to contain the chairs, as well as the managers’ cocaine habit.

Now comes along a person who wants to make a unicycling video but doesn’t want it to look shitty, so chooses not to use Windows Movie Maker. He’ll never make enough profit to cover even the tenth of the cost of the software. He just grabs a copy, uses it, produces a nice film. The company doesn’t suffer a direct loss and a lot of people are left happy with the shiny quality of the movie that is available to them for free. Someone will later ask: “Dude, what program did you use to make that bangin’ movie?!” And the maker will reply Final Cut Pro! Immediate gain of reputation for Final Cut Pro. Advertisement! So, in a way, the company is even repaid for the potential losses that it has suffered.

And how is that different from shop-lifting a copy and giving the company the exact same “advertising boost” by telling the teeming, unicycling millions about the program used to make said mind-blowing movie?

I want to drive to the office but I don’t want to arrive in a crappy car, so I go and steal a Rolls Royce and when people ask me how I managed to arrive looking so swanky, I can tell them it’s all about Rolls Royce man, go buy one.

Advertising boost.


When you create a product, you can separate the process into roughly three parts: design, production, distribution. Design is something that has to be created once, then based on that you have production and distribution. Each part costs money. If you steal a Rolls Royce, you also steal all the material, all the labour, all the money it took to get the Rolls Royce from the factory to the shop, money from the public, because the police who will go looking for it will also have to be payed…

When you get a pirated copy of the software, no labour has gone into that particular copy. Yes, it did cost money to produce the design, but that particular copy you’re using costed nothing. You analogy doesn’t stand.

Tell me, GILD. Nowadays, when the copyright laws are getting tighter and tighter, do you agree with all of them? For example, I’m sure that you used to exchange music with your friends. Lend them a CD for a listen, borrow some of theirs… Maybe get a nice book from someone to read at your leisure? Is it stealing as well? What do you say?

That’s a typical western misconception, it’s not the tool that makes good editing, it’s the editor.

Besides, if you want to use a piece of software that is used by most film editors, you would rather want to use Avid software… They even offer a version of xpress for free, cheap studient versions, and free trials of their high end products.

Now, then again, FCP is very good, and it’s obviously overkill for most unicycle videos, so are avid products for that matter. iMovie is just fine for 99.5% home movies

Gild, is going to a library the same as stealing from a book store ?

Should we lock up all the librarians? They gave me a card for free and then hundreds of us read a book that was only paid for once.

If you agree to close libraries, should we prosecute private gifts of books and recordings ? If I read a book then give it to you, 2 people read what only one has paid for . Who should go to jail for this reading crime, me or you ? If you say both, can we both serve only a half sentence since the book was paid for once in two readings ?

Justice used to mean that if you went to see a play or movie, full price was paid each time. Anything less would be like sneaking into the theater, stealing a DVD from a store, or downloading a movie for free. Have you ever bought a movie or recording and listened to it more than once ? Did you use the old “the morals change with the technology” excuse ? How do you assuage the guilt, knowing that unemployment among theater musicians and actors increased greatly as a result of your crimes ? Or do you resort in your debunked “advertising value to the artist”, excuse ? "Here, listen to my record of Louie Armstrong for free !, I bet you will want to go to his concert someday if you do ! " Yeah, what bullshit, like listening to recordings ever helped Armstrong. Next thing we hear, someone will say we should of helped him by stealing his Rolls Royce.

Deep down we all know it’s stealing, you’re just arguing semantics.

No, deep down I feel I am right

If you have words, use them. I am all ears.