CBC Uncut – 20 minutes of raw muni footage
Riding: Jon, James, Ryan, Yggy, Tynan, Frank
Why uncut?
For people who love muni video and don’t want anything left out.
A shorter version is coming…
If you watch the long one, be sure to point out the parts you like, so I keep them in the final video.
I’m watching it now and will make some notes of what I think should definitely be left in:
-at about 3:15 there’s a huge spill that has to stay
-I like the drop from the rock at about 4:45 where the younger kid comes into the frame to watch…it’s not completely successful, but just about
-riding down the snowdrifts at around 6:00
-from 7:30 to 7:50
-successful run around 11:00
-around 14:00 I liked the behind the rider shots
-15:50 over the log
-around 17:00, riding down that steep and rocky hill then the biker walking his ride down…haha
I’ll tell ya, watching that really makes me wish I had a group of people to ride MUni with where I live. That looks like so much fun. I’m looking forward to the chopped-down version.
I love it all, and wouldn’t change a thing. I think all the “non-sexy” stuff just creates a fine atmosphere. I also like seeing more complete shots of moves so that one can study them rather than just be wowed by them.
Mando, I’ll make a point of keeping those segments, thanks. Ryan’s big fall below
UTurn, I’m glad you enjoy the long version. When I do the normal videos, there are always things I regret needing to edit out, and I’ve thought about doing an extended version like this. Basically just save it out before its editing down to final length. So I’ll keep this version around too, and if having an extended version is interesting to people, I’ll do it again sometime.
I agree. Also seeing more complete shots gives you a better feeling of being there.
I’m sure the extreme uni-videos are the most appealing but those that show more of the mistakes, several attempts at correcting it & other unicyclists taking other alternative maneuvers with regards the same obstacle–all these help newbies like me appreciate more the little improvements we can squeeze out of our patient & humbling trial-and-errors…Keep up the good work !!
I picked a long song, since there is quite a bit of good footage.
Using jmando’s list, I pulled those to the beginning, with Ryan’s big fall to start with a splash. I’m planning to show a glipse of the best shots in the intro, and the full segment later in the video.
unibugg wants more complete shots… so I’ll aim at fewer segments, but a bit more complete.
Theres a couple very long skinny segments I’m debating. James does 2 and Ryan does 1. Each is about 1 minute. I’d like to keep them.
I always start filming before the person is ready to go, and keep filming a bit after, so I dont miss anything. Usually I edit that out or use it for transitions, but it sounds like you’d like to see a bit more surrounding footage.
Theres too many shots of the rock drop. I’ll pick a best fall and best success and maybe a few camera angles… below/behind. Its hard to appreciate the geometry, and different angles helps.
When we come to a good challenge, James and Ryan do it over and over, and I’m happy to have the camera as an excuse not to have to kill myself But I get more footage than necessary.
Eric53 wants trial and error. I always include error But I’ll try to spot some trials maneuvers… sometimes its a subtle ‘mini hop’
Here’s a picture of Jon’s broken hub bolt, about 10 minutes into our 5 hour ride. Tynan used a seat bolt to fix it. Phew!
Now that I’ve shown you that picture, maybe I wont include it in the video
This video has been removed by google for copyright infringement.
Apparently we can not use music in our videos. Sorry for the inconvenience.
ugh, I hate that! I recently uploaded a vid to youtube and I had the same problem. I ended up having to select a lame song from this list that youtube has.