Vicodin is Crazy

I got my widom teeth out today and they put me on vicodin.

Wow. I feel heavy and light all at the same time. But I still hurt a bit.

Anyway, I’ve already started healing nicely so I’ll probably only need it until monday. Which is good because going up and down stairs is like gaining 3,000 feet in a few seconds. Crazy head rushes.


Last year when I went to University of Virginia, the Student Health Clinic handed that stuff out like candy. You go there complaining of any pain, big or small, they give you Vicodin. Anything to keep the students content and docile, I guess. People ended up selling it at parties where it gets crushed up and snorted. Oops!

That’s crazy.

I had some vicodin for my wisdom teeth left over, and last year I took some to get through a production at school (I was sicker than I had been all year, and I had to run the sound for my high school’s production of Lil’ Abner) All I have to say is that floating through school on 2 vicodin was quite an experience, and that all nervousness about screwing up the sound in front of the entire school population was gone. Going to go back to sleep now, I’m sick as a dog (wish I had some vicodin right now…)

Speedy recovery Pope Sam, that’s no fun. The nicest thing in the world though is when you eat for the first time afterwards without pain…

It’s too bad that I don’t react well to Vicodin. In fact, when I got my wisdoms pulled, I was fine until I took them.
Anyhow, I think you should consider riding while under the influence. I know it maybe a bit dangerous, but at least you won’t feel it if you get injured, for a while at least.

If you do ride on vicodin then show a video, so you know what you did, and we can see the mayhem.

I think having a bit to drink and then riding is more fun, also trying to wheel walk. Not that I know.

If I only had a digital camera so I could upload, or that coberter thing by Dazzle.

Well, I’ll get footage of it next time the pain becomes unbearable (I’ve had no swelling, I’ll be fine by Monday) and I need to take it. We’ll see how well I do.