At first glance, I thought that was some sort of pet name for Dubya. :o
yeah, i couldn’t get that one on the ignore list fast enough. hopefully that thread has died.
That random string of “Worst thread ever” threads forced my IQ down 10 points.
Agreed. I’m getting tired of reading “Unicycle Product Reviews” that are single word or single sentence posts. Or people who post in the “Unicycle Tutorials” forum just to say “oh man that’s hard i can’t do that”.
WTF? It seems people some post just to post, not for any other reason but to click the “Submit” button.
Yeah, and couldn’t we pose some other healthy alternative that JC posters all enjoy? If only there were something that we all were interested in in these forums, you know, something that you ride or play with. I guess we could all just start riding ice blocks down wet grassy hills…
That actually sounds kinda fun…almost like sledding…
we need a forum that’s below JC in rank but above the trash receptacle. then we could tell people to start their completely inane threads over there instead. gilby could move threads there if necessary.
I predict it is only going to get worse.
Well, I hate to say “I told you so”, but I did and it did. And while this is one more check-mark in the “Correct” column of the Great Prognosticator’s prediction tally sheet, I have to confess it was a toss-off. I didn’t need to look for a shadow for guidance, and in fact barely needed to scratch myself.
This thread could be upgraded if we all realize we belong in the Al-Anon program, cuz we got these — posters in our uni family, and we are impacted by them. Some of us are even, inadvertently, “enablers.”
[Many times when family and friends try to “help” alcoholics, they are actually making it easier for them to continue in the progression of the disease.
This baffling phenomenon is called enabling, which takes many forms, all of which have the same effect – allowing the alcoholic to avoid the consequences of his actions. This in turn allows the alcoholic to continue merrily along his (or her) drinking ways, secure in the knowledge that no matter how much he screws up, somebody will always be there to rescue him from his mistakes.]
Gilby posted this in Sept. '06, but I’ll just toss in two cents anyway. Beware of “post rating” devices. When voting is open to anyone, it is easily abused and generally turns things into a popularity contest. Someone gets annoyed at someone else, and bad-flags all their posts, etc.
Here’s two suggestions for things to do that would be more beneficial:
Disable the poll function. Useful threads have hardly ever start with someone making a poll. And useful threads can usually be better-conceived without it.
Work on reviving the mailing lists and committee voting systems for the USA and IUF. I will give you access to the USA site if needed…
Mailing lists are great, and it’s pretty much how I do the whole RSU thing now, since nothing new seems to have come out of that section above this one in years, and I can just coordinate any and all actual unicycling related happenings from my gmail inbox.
Sadly, my diet seems to consist mostly of the rather unfilling Spam and the occasional side of j.ellied c.ranberries, instead of the meaty discussions and hearty follow-ups of yesteryear. I’ve even joined several new forums and newsgroups to alleviate my lack of internet conversational intake, but it seems that almost everywhere suffers from this “problem” in varying degrees.
More and more people are connecting to the Internet, the great web that connects us all, near and far.
Thing is, this planet is so incredibly full of stupid, the more people who get onto the Internet, the dumber this place becomes.
It used to take some brains to get onto the Internet. This place had some potential. Then AOL had to ruin everything just to make a buck.
Cause. Effect. Stupid.
Don’t blame AOL, they never would have let people out into the “open Internet” if they’d had a choice. When I first started using a personal computer, I got an AOL membership (it was hard not to with all those floppy disks flying at you). It was a closed system, where you could do everything you wanted, or at least everything they wanted you to do, without going outside their little world. At the time, it was a pretty big world, as the “open” Internet was still pretty geeky and the WWW was just getting off the ground.
Eventually, reluctantly, they had to let their users navigate away from the closed AOL world because there was too much interesting content out there and they lost membership if they didn’t.
If anything, it was AOL’s fault for creating their own, proprietary version of “the Internet” and shielding people from the “real” one, so they never learned how to properly use it…
I was thinking of something that would statistically deterine the value of each individuals rating, and if it’s not too server intensive, make it a custom rank for the user, where the users that have ranked other posts/users similarly have more weight for that user.
OK, does the host for have mailing list software installed?