Re: Very creative spam/virus email
Thanks for the handy warning! To that I will add some of the usual cautionary things to remember. The main one is, never open attachments unless you absolutely know what to expect. Never from a stranger, and just because it claims to be from a familiar address, if you weren’t expecting anything from that person, don’t open it until you ask them. Return addresses are easy to spoof.
I get about a hundred spams a day, each, on my home and work email accounts. Currently I am very happy with both of my anti-spam products, which I’ll describe below.
Even this devious message seems to follow the unwritten rule of spammers; which is to include at least one typo or grammatical error (it’s). Usually they’re more obvious…
My current anti-spam solutions:
Work: Red Condor. This product is only available for corporate use, but is the best spam product I’ve heard of. An average of about one one spam a day gets through, but there are absolutely no false positives! That’s because their filtering software doesn’t “guess.” It only removes known junk, based on ongoing work their staffers do to identify the current junk that’s out there. Awesome.
Home: For I think $3 a month (cheap for what it does!), it works similar to Red Condor, though I’ve noticed three or four false positives in the month or so since I’ve started with the service. Your mail passes through their server, where the junk is stopped and only what they think is legit gets through. The nice thing with this (and Red Condor) is your email software never has to deal with all the junk. Instead, both services send a daily email (which you can adjust through preferences), that reports on the junk that’s been received. I read through the lists every day, and as mentioned above, have only found a few strays in the OnlyMyEmail report. Clicking on them re-sends them to me.
My email address is MINE! I’m not giving it up. Death to the spammers! They won’t go away, but hopefully the software will continue to improve, making them less and less relevant.