V for Vendetta

What did you guys think of this movie, somehow it got good reviews?

A bunch of my friends went to see it and said it was great, I thought the previews looked pretty good, I’m looking forward to seeing it.

I am SO excited to see it.
I saw the MTV preview thing with Natalie Portman (who looks very hot with a shaved head) and it looks very stimulating!
All my friends who saw it said that it was amazing.

But maybe I think it is just exciting because I think that the government should be afraid of the people.


I have mixed feelings about it. It has no shortage of provocative ideas, but I’m not sure what the overarching theme is. Is it that we should all find unity in an abstract form of humanity, replacing governmental tyranny with zeal for an impractical ideal? It was alright, I guess. :thinking:

I saw it, I think it was awesome !


I was expecting it to be more of a sci-fi type flick, but it turned out to be more of a drama with a few action sequences.

The acting is really good.

NP looks like a little 12 year old boy with her head shaved !! LOL

I read the comic, and now I’m ready for a huge let down. Hopefully I will see it either this friday or sunday.

I really didn’t like it. I found it rather ridiculous in parts such as the tv show about making fun of the facist leader. The pace of the movie was also confusing apparently a year went by; however they depicted it as if it were only a few weeks. The general thoughts were good though, just depicted poorly. Also for some reason he constructed a large dominoe structure in the shape of a V?

You’re a weird kid…

saw it last night and really enjoyed it. I definitely recommend it.

I haven’t seen it yet but I’m hopefully getting one of the cardboard cutouts from the movie theatre.


now why didnt the “Supreme Chancler” turn the power off to the train tunnels? seems like the first thing to do…no electricty, no sub-way.

We saw it last night. It was very well acted and an interesting story. Hard to have a fully qualified opinion, as I know nothing about the comic/novel from which it was derived, or how old that story was. It seemed rather timely in the way many people are thinking of the current U.S. government and situations.

I agree. The TV guy should have expected to be arrested immediately; while the show was still on. He should not have been surprised.

Natalie Portman’s hair apparently stopped growing once it was shaved; that seemed to be a hole in the timeline. You think she’d let it grow back at least a little.

You have to be a little crazy to go around killing people wearing a mask. A common theme for most comic book heroes is psychological torment of some kind. When he’s setting up dominoes at least nobody’s getting killed. But mostly, I saw that as kind of a dream sequence or metaphor; not necessarily something he really spent his time on.

And yes, if the houses of parliament are threatened, one of the the first things you look at is all underground accesses to the area. It’s hard to hide an un-blocked tunnel…

The underlying theme that the goverment uses trumped up fear to control it’s populace and gain more power (patriot act etc) is something I hope everyone that sees it understands and takes to heart.

A scared populace is an easily controlled one. Killer bees, child kidnappings, bird flu - they’re always finding something new and trumping it up. It was very well demonstrated in the movie.

i’ll take that as a touch on my question of electricty for the sub-tram…

since im always a good critic, why did Evee’s ID work without alert when V came into that building…seems like a long time to chat it up took place there in the bathroom of supreme technology…shurly a fugitive’s identification would be invalad at such a secure location?

i saw it and it was sweet!

a few things i found funny, in such a “high budget” movie: they used a booklight as some computer i.d. thing to use the computer, also the soldeirs at the end were all wearing paintball masks.

one of the best fight scenes in a while (in the subway)
sweet explosions!!!
good storyline

it really makes you think what the world would be like if the U.S. lost WWI(thats what happened in the movie)

I’m seeing it tonight (Friday) with the girlfriend. Only opened yesterday which is cool. Looks pretty good and i’m into the whole comic book movie thing. That’s right, a comic book nerd with a girlfriend. Suck on that Keven.

Shutup adrian.
I’m in class now with my girlfriend (who can get me free tickets) is sitting just behind me. Yeah, that’s right. FREE tickets…AND FREE CUTOUT. Suck on THAT Adrian.


I just rented it and am watching it for a second time, this time with my daughter. I am enjoying explaining some of the subtleties to her as well as discovering that she’s getting some of them on her own.

I think the biggest flaw in the movie is that a conspiracy as large as deliberately slaughtering 80,000 of your own populace would be impossible to hide for very long. Certainly not a entire generation. Someone would blow the whistle.

The questioning of trivial details like the power to the train or the growth of hair is to avoid the ideas behind the movie which despite being cleverly and entertainingly presented are no less important for having been so presented.

I thought it was a terrific movie. And John Hurt was brilliant; better even than when an alien first exploded from his chest.

i should rewatch this movie… i fell asleep like 3 minuits into it and woke up when the words came…