Guess what I saw on the headline photo for
Who it be?
Guess what I saw on the headline photo for
Who it be?
Up. Just wondered if it was someone on here or not…
Great photo!! My guess is the uni is a 26" with short cranks. It looks like the rider is carrying a briefcase, but I couldn’t enlarge the picture enough to read his initials, stamped in gold, by the briefcase handle.
I’d bet some serious cash that it’s Richard Terry. He works in downtown SLC and commutes by unicycle most days, apparently. He lives near me, and I’ve seen him in exactly that getup (umbrella + briefcase), idling his uni at a stop sign in 6" of snow.
That pic is on South Temple and 300ish east - right near where he lives.
He blew the top off Twitter for top unicycle photos. I have been riding in the snow here for the last three days and no one seems to care.
Get an umbrella and a briefcase!
That’s definitely Richard. He’s been commuting work on one wheel for 35 years. Great guy. I need to direct him to this thread. He’ll get a chuckle out of it.
I kind of suspected it was him.