Using CD music?

If I want to use a song from a CD on a video, what is the best way to do that. I would assume I would need to record it to my hard drive then convert it. Anyone know how to do this? I have never been much into this whole MPEG thing. Thanks

I used to use Windows Media Player to get songs from CD’s but I don’t like the format it makes them in (.wma) so John C told me about CDex. With CDex you can make them as .mp3 files (among other things). Do a little search for ‘CDex’


Winamp can save CD tracks as Wave files if you tell it to use the Disk Writer output plugin that comes with it. This is what I generally do, it’s that little bit easier…


i have a program called “MusicMatch JukeBox” and it will record mp3 files off cd’s, quicktime allows you to export mp3 files into wave format but they become quite large when u do that.

Thanks Guys. I am going to download CDex and see how I like it.

Re: Using CD music?

contact the record company…

Re: Re: Using CD music?

This isn’t for commercial purposes. It is for my own personal home movies.

I use a program called Easy Cd-Da Extractor when i need to but now i have cable so i can get anything i want :slight_smile:
