Quite right on the dates. I stand corrected. Here is a link to an “invention timeline”.
John, do copies of all the editions still exist? It would be cool to be able access the old ones electronically?
Very true. I had a Commodore 64 when I started graduate school, but never really learned to do much. I do remember saving a BASIC program to a cassette, though.
I was thinking mostly about the contrasting level of accessibility of the web today viz. the systems available at that time. I’d love it if those old copies were available to browse.
If I remember correctly, the Internet (NOT the "World Wide Web”) was started by DARPA during WWII as a way for scientists to communicate. I know I was using the Internet on my Commodore 64 (which came out within a year of the IBM PC and was a better machine IMHO) and the Internet wasn’t new then.
here is the oldest example of greg using it as a sigline i could find here he briefly mentions the origin of the comment this might be the first mention of it on the forum here is another mention of the origin of the comment
i hope that clarifies the origin of one of my personal favourite unicycling-related comments
Bear in mind that I’m a slow learner.
I’m still working on idling. I’m up to 3 idles now though.
Also having great fun riding around offroad. Just on gentle hilly type places at the moment, not big mountains yet. I can feel my balance improving though.
Thanks for asking,