Usa, 2016

At first, I thought you were exaggerating…then I read this:

That last one is insane…doesn’t all that basically say if they wanted to, they could force you to download a virus, spyware, or something similar?

You’d have to trust them not to do that. :wink:

That the Bill of Rights will have less than 10 amendments.

More DRM news that I found while browsing the tech blogs today:,1995,2017222,00.asp?kc=MWRSS02129TX1K0000535

So if you bought into the Plays For Sure program you won’t be able to play the songs you purchased through Plays For Sure on the new Zune. Thanks Microsoft. Does anyone actually think they’ll still be able to play their current DRMed music files in 5 or 10 years? The formats are going to be obsolete and unsupported by then. It will be like trying to play an 8-track tape only you won’t be able to even find the players at Goodwill.

Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights

Thanks Microsoft. Is this for real? Are they really going to keep you from properly backing up your music files and/or transferring them to a new computer? This might be FUD. I can’t see Microsoft being that stupid. But then again… I can.

If the future is DRM on media we purchase then I don’t want it. But stuff I purchase and plan to keep for more than a week – No way. I can accept DRM on media files I rent, but never on files I buy.

Don’t even suggest such a thing!!!

Say it ain’t so!!! I’m a slow adapter as it is.

You know the people that said the end of the world would come on 6/6/2006? My cousin’s 16th birthday was that day. She went to the movies with a friend playing the Psycho theme song in the car…Yeah…And there’s supposed to be a comet in 2010 according to the Bible(sorta like a word search in Hebrew, apparently it preficted the destruction of the Twin Towers, but scientists could easily be making that up because we(most of us) don’t know Hebrew…) and it was also supposed to be stopped…confusing, isn’t it? Blasted scientists, make up your mind… :smiley: Also check out this cartoon, just 'cause… :slight_smile: