US soldiers murder iraqi civilians [video]


This doesn’t shock me. When war and killing becomes a video game, when the act of killing gets completely detached from any emotional involvement, this kind of stuff will happen. And it does. All the time.

Gee, I’m sorry that the two photographers were walking around with people that were carrying AK-47s. If they want to take a risk by hanging out with insurgents to get a news story, then it’s too bad that they were killed along with the armed individuals. This stuff happens in every war. The only thing that really makes me sad is that people will see a video like this and blame all our soldiers and call them murderers and baby killers. All of them are heroes, and I bet even the people in that chopper have engaged and killed 10 times as many REAL insurgents. They’ve saved lives, and I’ll stand by them and defend their actions.


Killing innocent people doesn’t make a hero.

There are no kill free cards, its not a game, its life. Their actions are not justified by the fact that you bet they killed 10 times as many REAL insurgents. Saving a life doesn’t give one the right to play god and take another.

This is not X-box live, this is not Call Of Duty, there is no restart.

I’m sure those photographers would have been much better off if we had never gone in. Say we had never gone to the middle east, maybe if they were lucky Saddam wouldn’t have dropped mustard gas into their town or have them murdered.

The chopper crew did nothing wrong. They identified weapons, they got their orders to fire, and that’s what they did. If they thought for a moment that those people were innocent, they wouldn’t have fired. This does not make them hearltess murderers.

Did we see the same video? Since “we went in” and “saved” them from Saddam, we own their life? It makes do difference if we kill them? Is this what your getting at? Either way, they died.

As I said, doing a good dead doesn’t give one the right to do a bad dead. That is not how it works. This is not call of duty. They asked for permission, they didn’t just carry their orders out. 9:30. Were you completely deaf to the disgusting talk on the intercom? They talk like they’re on X-box live. 13:00.

What they did is wrong. Killing isn’t something to be taken lightly, or to be done when bored.

I’m not saying all soldiers are “heartless”, but just because someone signs up to “serve the country” does not give them my automatic respect, and the right to behave as they want.

I’ve met a fair number of soldiers, and military people, some are really great people, but a lot that I have met are pretty much worthless. They wanted something better than X-box live. Them wanting to live out a video game doesn’t entitle them to respect. Enlisted people are just like any other group of people, you’ll have bad and good.

I’m thinking of joining myself, seriously, and I can’t imagine just being given respect for a single choice. It strikes me as shallow and offensive. A knee jerk response, nothing given thought, or time. Easy.

War heroes in the making no doubt …

You’re right. I’m sorry for saying that we own their lives.

Oh wait, I never said that. Hell, I didn’t even imply that. Where did you get that from?

But I was wrong when I said that “doing a good deed gives one the right to do a bad deed”. … Wait a second! I didn’t say that, either!

I didn’t even say that it’s Call of Duty or Xbox! Where are you getting all this stuff? SqueakyOnion brought up video games, not me, so stop telling me that I’m relating the two!

I’m saying that we’ve helped that nation a lot more than we’ve hurt them, and that alone is reason enough for me to believe that we are doing good over there. But you’re probably going to accuse me of saying something else again, so what’s the point?

Show me where this crew did something wrong. You said “what they did is wrong” (look at that, a direct quote, not something I made up) and that they were talking like they were on xbox live, but at what part did they say, “let’s kill some innocent civilians”? They didn’t! Again, they identified that group as insurgents. Maybe not the two camera men, but see the people that come into the screen at 3:37? That guy isn’t holding a 3 foot long camera, that’s a weapon! The cameramen should have known not to walk around with people carrying weapons in a war zone.

Just because stuff happens in war does not make it good or life saving or worth defending. Some soldiers actions are more worthy than others- you need not defend them all. This video does not blame all soldiers- maybe war itself is to blame.

If you think getting orders is justification to kill someone then no wonder you would rather not call them heartless murderers. I can’t tell where your sarcasm ends- maybe if you were under fire you might relate to the human targets better.

I’m guessing it is implied in the posts you made about it being heroic and right to kill innocent people using orders from above as an excuse.

You did say that! It is implied in the statements saying that it is ok to kill innocent people if you think they are bad people to save the people you think are good people. You didn’t need to mention video games because it is in the video topic and SqueakyOnion mentioned it- you must be blind if you can not see how it relates to the video.

Following the orders to kill people in the first place is wrong in my opinion. Whether they had weapons or not, why is it your job to kill them? Who has the most weapons and do they deserve to be killed for that?

Are wars declared in a democratic manner with votes from the citizens who will end up fighting them or by war-pigs? I don’t support war and yet my stupid gullible country has an army that is sent to fight.

Murder is murder, regardless of whether war is invented to excuse you of the blame. I hope the weapons will eventually all rust in peace.

yeah…we’re “helping” them.

they hate us and they want us out of their country. we’re destroying their country…and it’s all about a flithy, greasy, shitty substance we all “love”…oil…that creates gasoline for engines that are a pathetic 29%(MAX) efficient…which all boils down to money, of course.

war is a joke.

I think every American(including myself) is to blame for this. We have let our government go off to crazy wars, that put us into huge amounts of dept. Hope that we will elect officals that get us out of this war soon.

yeah i wouldnt blame ourselves though. although we vote in who we want, etc… it just doesnt matter, we dont have any control over this sorta thing. not to mention many politicians are just plain liars. so you dont really know what/who you’re voting for.

Maybe if you knew anything about war you might relate to the soldiers better.

Keep in mind both US and Iraqi are under fire in those war zones. Easy to forget, watching this video from a tiny little screen in the safety of your bedroom, no?

Why? Because you’re in a war zone, surrounded by people who want to kill you. The answer is simple: self-preservation. A split-second of self-doubt is all it takes for an insurgent to launch an RPG at you.

Kill or be killed. Such is war. If you don’t like it, take your arguments to the politicians who started the war. Don’t take it out on the soldiers. The soldiers don’t get to inject their own politics into a war zone. They’re there to do a job.

You can’t blame every American.

Some of us work to counter the insanity in Washington, but the “representative Democratic” system that is supposed to serve the country ends up discarding the votes of the minority.

Time is all we need to make the changes you and I want to see. As the older conservative base starts to dry up and disappear, the number of voters who would rubber-stamp another war against brown people will diminish.

Unfortunately, in the meantime we’ll have to suffer the “tyranny of the majority”. Such is life in the good ol’ US of A.

Life is priceless. That being said, it also has no worth.
War is a kill or be killed kind of place. But thats not my point.

I say kill everyone. There is no good humanity in this world. We are here to destroy and take over. Remember that. Humans are all evil, we all deserve to die.

What I hate is how people will look at the few mistakes people make rather than the TONS of good they do. One “oh crap” outweighs a thousand “good jobs.” Support our soldiers. Someone has to fight for their country. If you weren’t in the military and haven’t experienced what they have, then you can’t talk bad about them. The people we are fighting now will diguise themselves as civilians and then attack us when our guard is low. Our soldiers never know who is going to attack them. The fact that a few civilians got killed is really sad but we are doing a lot of good over their and despite what the media says, the people there love what we are doing for them.


I did not see the children in the van or the cameramen returning fire- they didn’t have any weapons. No wonder the helicopter is worried it will be under fire for terrorising innocent people.

You’ve been playing those silly computer games again haven’t you, the ones that teach you to kill your enemies. The Americans are the terrorists, Iraqis are just defending their homeland. It is not self preservation to fly a helicopter into someone elses country and open fire- it is destruction of other people.

The soldiers can choose if they want to work for the Axis of Evil (USA armed forces). Later on if any intelligent country ever stands up against the USA’s criminal military activities there will be plenty of cases for justice. Since the winners (or self declared winners) of war define what war crimes are, someone has to beat USA before they will admit they’ve done wrong. The Politicians and the Soldiers both play their murderous roles- don’t support any of them!

That is nonsense. USA is not the Majority- but they do act Tyrannical. The minority is looking after it’s best interests- hence the war for oil. Such is life in good ol’ Iraq, where their neighbor the evil old US of A has decided Iraq is a good scapegoat for blaming imaginary weapons on. Unfortunately it is not “we” the west who suffers the most.

I disagree. I think the kilotons of evil outweigh the tons of good that have been done. Your soldiers should not be there- they deserve to be killed if they are invading innocent people. It is not just a few mistakes, the war is one big mistake. If USA life is so priceless that billions must be spent to securely kill any threat to it on the globe, why is the life in other places not worth equal? Lets all make trillion dollar bailouts and arm ourselves to the teeth and make everyone fear us!

(for those that do not detect sarcasm easily my last comment was sarcastic)

You don’t see anything 'cause your entire view of the war comes from YouTube clips. The reality of the situation is more than you or I will ever be able to understand… but don’t let that stop you from making a fool of yourself.

If these were just two random dudes out for a homicidal jaunt in some helicopter, your statement might be relevant. Alas, these are soldiers in a war zone. Apples and oranges.

So you’re saying the USA is not a representative democracy? Okay.

So my view comes from what I see, and where does your view come from? Your point is? Just because I don’t understand why a war is, doesn’t mean I can’t know it is wrong.

If Iraq had declared war, your statement would be relevant but it did not. USA acted against UN advice in attacking Iraq, so there isn’t really a war it is more of a prolonged terrorist attack. Apples and oranges are much more peaceful neighbors than Americans and Iraqis, maybe we could learn peaceful behaviour from them.

You’re mixing the politics of war with the realities of being in a war zone.

It’s one thing to say “war is wrong”.

It’s another thing to say “you shouldn’t shoot at other people” when you’re talking about people who are being shot at in the first place.

The first “thing” is considered ethics.

The second “thing” is considered “how to stay alive in war”.

Get back to us when you can separate those two concepts.