UPD Shirts

So, I’m told there was once a man on this website who made UPD (unplanned dismount shirts) that looked very similar to the UPS shirt. I thought that was quite clever and was wondering if anyone has heard from or seen this gentlemen? Or if anyone knows where I can find these shirts?

I don’t know much more than that. The person who told me thinks his name was something about cats… catman or catboy, or something.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

That was, in fact, Catboy. Here’s the original thread.

I can’t find a good picture of one, but instead one with our own* Greg Harper modeling one.

*I’m not sure who else would want him.

Im only 5 years late!

Don’t fret, they’ll be showing up on eBay any day now.

Hah, I bumped the thread, with any luck there will be enough interest shown to get a new set of these made!

hey jjuggle,
i am so sorry. truly, I am. i feel your pain, really. you’re a trooper, you know that? man, i could never live in New Jersey, i am just too afraid of filth.

…wtf is that about?

i feel bad for him because he lives in new jersey. cmon, they must make fun of NJ in florida? you watch snl?

They make fun of New Jersey everywhere, but especially in New York (and New Jersey). And in Florida, but that’s because so many people in Florida are from New York and New Jersey.

Tell us you’ve been to New Jersey or apologize to the Garden State. :slight_smile:

What were we talking about? Oh yeah. UPD shirts. I had one, and I think I traded it for a different shirt that was not necessarily that cool. Now I wish I still had it. I wonder if Catboy would make more?

go post in the bumped thread (if you haven’t already) and we’ll show him there is a lot of interest!

Google search for a large UPS logo. Font would be FF Dax. Replace s with d, fill it with the right colored gradient. Take that image to cafepress. :stuck_out_tongue:

They make fun of New Jersey everywhere, but especially in New York (and New Jersey). And in Florida, but that’s because so many people in Florida are from New York and New Jersey.

Tell us you’ve been to New Jersey or apologize to the Garden State. :slight_smile:

yes, i have in fact been to NJ. to be descriptive, the dates were (no joke) June 23-25. i know this because i flew back on the 25th, and on the plane while watching tv, i saw an event on tv. five points if you can tell me what happened 6/25/09 without looking up the date. seriously, 5 pts is worth a lot in my book.

This is too much work.

You’re making my head hurt.

But I just cannot think.

Sorry, going to GOOGLE.

EDIT: Ah, ok.

unireed, when you’re old enough to support yourself then you get to tell us where you could or could not live.

For now, I will tell you that happily do I live in New Jersey, the What’s That Smell State.

the problem with this form of communication is there is no sarcasm and it is really hard to tell jokes. so quit whining. i guess you are used to whining, though, seeing as you live in New Jersey. zing.

Looks like unireed has finally hit very greatly delayed puberty.

hey i’m just saying that my comment that started this whole thing was no big deal and people don’t need to take offense.

unireed, I would like to assure you that I took no offense. I grew up in New York City and among the things I was sure I would never do was to eventually live in New Jersey. But life, like the reaction of others to harmless comments on the Internet, is unpredictable. So here I am paying among the highest property tax rates in the nation, wallowing in superfund sites, and being the butt of jokes made by people who live in trailers and whose IQs are a fraction of those of my cats.

Go figure.

:astonished: :slight_smile: :wink: :slight_smile: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :astonished:

To quote unireed: “zing!