
Because there is absolutely nothing of much interest playing in our vicinity but we wanted to go to the movies, my wife and I saw Up.

It was engaging, humorous, warm, and a pleasure to watch. We thoroughly enjoyed it.

However, it comes with a new caveat. It’s available in a 3D or non-3D version. Unlike previous 3D movies it has nothing jumping out at you, spewing towards the audience, or anything of the gimmicks that make it 3D in any meaningful or exciting sense. We paid 3 bucks extra for the 3D but got very little for the additional expense. I guess this is now the way of things. In the future we’ll have to investigate whether a movie in 3D or 3D.

You can do a lot worse than seeing Up, but if you do, don’t lay out the money for 3D.


Now that we know what you like and pay extra for, we’ll try to make the LBI Unithon extra fun for you by jumping out at you, spewing towards you, and all of the gimmicks that make it meaningful or exciting to you.

It’s not my idea of a good time, but to each his own.


I pretty much never like animated movie. But I saw the preivews to this one and it looks pretty good. Ill probably download it first before trying to get someone to pay for my movie ticket. =p

Billy, I’ll pay your $25 entry fee if you choose not to show up.

I’ve seen Bolt in 3D. It was at least interesting.

The only reason I would like to see it is because its made by Pixar, Pixar released some of my favourite movies, Toys Story, a Bugs life, wall-e… 11 movies since 1995… Dang I love Pixar, I might end up watching this…

Going to see it today. Lots of moviegoers giving it 5 stars, although some say it is to intense for really young kids. The critics seem unanimous in loving this one too, and storyline does have an adult bent to it. The trailer looks really funny. But like Jerrick, I don’t see too many animated films, but this one looks really fun. :slight_smile:

Gonna watch it before bed now. Will report in the morning.

Great movie! It was emotionally moving, with some really endearing characters. Very enjoyable, escapist fare for a lazy afternoon.

I watched this movie on Saturday night.

I really enjoyed the creativity of the storyline. Few movies nowadays have such an original story to them. Also the messages delivered were nice. It seemed to be very well thought out.

Only thing I didn’t like is some of the super-cheesy, unoriginal, childish humor. I think all of the sort of “punchlines” to all the jokes I saw coming WAYY beforehand. They were all jokes that had been used way to often, just in a different context but the same idea. At some of these, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as the audience howled with laughter. I guess that is to be expected of a children’s movie though :p. I didn’t really find myself laughing at all throughout the movie, but I was very impressed otherwise. Not good as a comedy, but amazing just as a movie.

At the part where he told the guys that picked him up to go to the retirement home that he will be a minute, and then what happened that caused them to stare in awe, I was strongly fighting the urge to just jump out of my seat and applaud enthusiastically. That was great.

Yeah that was great, but I kept wondering…I’ll use this analogy; how can you fit 1000 cubic feet of something into a 100 cubic foot container? :thinking:

I watched it in 2d (on my computer :wink: ), but I’ll probably want to see it again in the theater. I have really enjoyed every Pixar movie so far, except for The Incredibles. When I saw the preview for Up, I thought it would be a childish movie without a plot, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was very emotional movie with a lot of depth. I think I still prefer Wall-E, but UP is definitely in my top 10.

For anyone who saw the movie in 3d, was the entire movie in 3d to some extent, or just certain scenes? I have been hearing people saying it just doesn’t add much to the movie. I have only seen a couple of movies in 3d. Coraline was really impressive without being gimmicky. It just fit so well with the movie that after a while I almost forgot I was watching it in 3d. The other one was “Honey, I Shrunk the Audience,” which had stuff flying out of the screen the whole time. I think this was more along the lines of what a lot of people were expecting from UP.

I just saw this movie and really enjoyed it. I found it kind of sad though. I was all teary 10 minutes into it.:o:D There was a lot of sentiment in it and I guess I’m a sucker.
I really liked the dogs. I thought they totally captured the character and movement of the real thing. I’m a crazy dog person though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really looking forward to the show. It screens only in September though. We’ll be getting a company screening so we will be watching it in 3D.

I’ve a slightly different take on the whole 3D or not 3D affair. I caught Monsters Vs Aliens 2 nights ago - yes in 3D - and I felt it incredibly gimmicky how some scenes were made just so that they could make use of the 3D glasses. Simple spoiler-free example - right at the beginning where the guy was bouncing a ball off his ping pong bat. That didn’t add to the experience but was just there for that extra ‘giggle value’.

I would rather skip the gimmicky obvious stuff and have a solid movie with the immersive experience of watching the show in 3D. That said, I’m not a fan of the 3D glasses. It tends to ruin the colors of the show.

Just increase the pressure Terry!