In the event of an emergency, you should ride your unicycle…
Today we had some safety tips about earthquakes, fires etc, and it got me to thinking, what should you do, in the event of an emergency, on your unicycle?
Has anyone ridden a unicycle during an earthquake? And if so, what works best?
What natural disaster trials can you come up with?
Fortunately I live in one of the most geologically stable locations on earth so no earthquakes.
As for forest fires i am level 3 (wildland-figherfighter not unicyclist) Im sure you could find some cool trial lines on an old fireline but i have never actually worked one i just got my certifications.
If i get called to any fires this summer I will bring a uni and report back
i can see the headline now “Sydney one wheeled bike guy dies in a freak hail riding accident. sources report that the golf ball sized hail punctured his skull, leaving no chance that this crazy cyclist would ride again.”
We have some earthquakes here. I just missed riding throught the last one by half an hour I probably would have fallen over though:D it was pretty intense.
Japanese unicyclists probably have the most experience with freestyle earthquake riding.
I would think the trick is to remain stationary, while idling to the sway of the building.
Re fire
There are at least 2 types of fire. One is your unicycle is on fire.
In the event your unicycle is on fire (probably due to lighter fluid), you should keep riding very quickly, and attempt to hit the flaming puck.
The other is everything around you is on fire.
In the event your building is on fire, you should ride down the stairs.
There are probably some other good trials lines. I hadnt considered muni and/or fire fighting. Unlike bicycles, your hands are free to hold hoses and buckets of water.
In the event of a hailstorm, you should unicycle with a strong umbrella.
Here is a list of natural disasters:
earth quake
volcanc eruption
ice storm
impact event
I’ve left out ones that would be unchallenging from a ‘natural trials’ point of view. As far as I know, none of us have had the clarity of mind to ride and/or film during such an event.
This is just the ‘natural’ list. unnatural might include gunfire, apocalypse, angry women…
I dont know what I was thinking with the umbrella. Obviously, in the event of a golf-ball-sized-hailstorm, you should wear a helmet, and perhaps body armour.