So, like, there’s more than 4,000 users and I was wondering how many of them are women. Or is it not a woman’s sport? I’m not saying that it isn’t, I’m just asking cause there’s things only guys do and things only girls do, that and I haven’t seen any women posts on here, just curious… come on, I’m 17!
There are girls and Women are on this site. You hardly look at some threads. Gee If the Girls and Women are reading your thread, you going to get Bombaded with them. Oh hello I Forgot about my Girlfriend here… Here’s Shelley to have her say…!
You there, I’m a Female Unicyclist and I’m backing my boyfriend on his Subject. There are other Females on this site will follow suite soon. Bye for now.
See, Even my girlfriend is a avoid Unicyclist. She’s Crazy about Unicycles too like me. See ya.
My two daughters both uni.
Our club (Memphis Unicycle Club) has many young ladies. My wife is learning.
But they don’t post on this site.
Can you proove that?
Now wait for the inevitable a/s/l question…
I unicycle! I suppose I would be considered a girl, not a woman. I’m only 15. There’s Erin and slugbath and treepotato, too. Are they the only other females who post frequently or am I missing someone?
Um…nope. I think you have covered the present-day frequent posters, Nikki. There are a few other females who post less frequently (some newer, and some veteran posters who post less now than they used to - sarah miller pops to mind, naomi, and a few TCUC members I think), but most of the posters - particularly frequent posters - do appear to be male (though I don’t wish to assume gender for the undeclared).
There are a bunch of threads hither and skither throughout the archives that discuss theories for this apparent void, ITEMNO530. Some of the ideas are listed below:
Females are less likely to discuss gear and unicycling in an online forum (e.g. mountain bike forums usually have a low ratio of females to males, despite the fact that a lot of women - though probably not as many as men - ride). This could be a social thing, or a computer thing, or…
Though most people on RSU are an amazingly polite and fair bunch of people, forums on similar sports can be pretty nasty to girls (e.g. I have been newly lurking in a few BMX forums lately where the members were discussing the same topic (lack of females), and their ugly answers were definitely not inspiring me to post!), so some females may be wary of engaging in sport forums.
Less females unicycle (though this has been disputed by the sex ratio in many established clubs, particularly clubs that have a kids program)
Less females unicycle alone. People in strong clubs don’t always feel the need to post, cuz they get unicycle information and socialization in person (e.g. I originally posted/searched here cuz I didn’t know any other unicyclists, and I had questions).
Less females may engage in “extreme riding” (muni and trials) Vs. just riding and freestyle, and this forum tends towards chatting about muni and trials (cuz they are the newest, quickest evolving sub-sports of unicycling)
There are possibly a few closeted females posting (not everyone feels comfortable revealing even their gender online), but this is by no means going to create a 1:1 sex ratio.
I’m sure there are a whack of other ideas that came up that I can’t remember. To answer your question: I think it can be and is a sport with participants of both sexes, but there are probably more adult guys riding, and there are definitely more men on this forum than women.
In short, this is a poor place to try and meet women…
P.S. What is “the evitable a/s/l question?”
Hmmm… what about K.r.i.s.s.y (er whatever)? She posts every once in awhile. :
Oh yeah. I forgot about K.r.i.s.s.y.
She hasn’t posted in a while.
age/sex/location, used frequently by teenage boys all over the internet Generally much to the annoyance of all the others present, although there are some places which seem to be populated soley by questions of the sort, hmm, wonder what kinda girl hangs out in those places
I am not a woman. My ASL is 23/male/New Zealand. Another female who used to post more frequently on this forum is Unijess. She entered herself in the Sexiest Unicyclist thread, and she can also be found in the Faces Gallery underneath Mojoe who almost resembles a female. I suspect the 4000 members list is not accurate because only a small fraction have posted. Maybe anyone who signs up for email at gets put on the list of forum members. I wish there was a search by region function for the memberlist advanced search. It would be useful for finding Unicyclists in the same area as you. In the MSN profile thing where you can choose your interests, I wrote to MSN and requested that Unicycling be included in a list near to recreational bicycling. Last time I checked (ages ago) nothing had happened. It would be cool if more Unicyclists mailed them to show that there is a common interest. If not it doesn’t matter since this forum is a far better place to meet Unicyclists anyway, and to meet locals just getting out and riding is perhaps the best method.
Okay, hey! I didn’t mean for myself to sound like I was looking to pick up a girl errr anything. >,< I was just wonderin’ cause I don’t know who is what (What sex everyone is) So, yeah. SOrry I brought the subject up, geez.
dont worry about it item #530,just get me that hulk pic PRONTO!
Hmm… I’d intended my post to be light-hearted, guess I should have added a smiley or two.
Hey, no worries…when I said “this was a poor place to meet women,” I was just kidding around. I didn’t actually think you were trying to pick up girls. It IS interesting that there are so few active female posters here…and when they pop up, they don’t often stay long (but I guess the same thing happens with male posters, but it is less noticable).
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for clearing that up. I hadn’t seen that before…lovely little abbreviation, that…I wonder what percentage of the time it works?
(…well, on people other than Rowan, that is! ;))
OKAY!! The moment you’ve all… most…ok… some of you have been waiting for!! I’ve finished my Hulk on a Uni, HAH! Okay, now go to =====My Hulk===== post, and see my greatness!! Well, unless I have some more tech probs than it won’t be there and I may have to change what type of pic format it is. i.e. jpg.,bmp., etc., etc…
It’s a bid of an odd phenomenon. I have absolutely nothing against letting gawkers try out my uni–I offer it to people who look at me funny if I’m bored.
But there’s like a 6:1 ratio of guys to girls who try out my unicycle… One female friend (who did have the guts to try to learn, and ended up twisting her ankle badly) suggested that girls are just more afraid of getting hurt? Oh the irony One male friend just thinks that guys in general are stupider and are thus willing to do sth like this
me 2!
i’m a woman! well a girl anyway i unicycle i’ve been uniyling since christmas (wen i got my uni) i think its just as much a girl sport as a boys it is a sport isn’ty it?
That brings up another subject, Treepotato. I consider unicycling a sport, but what about everyone else, is it really a sport or is it an “activity”?? Cause if it’s an activity, F that! heheh
I consider Unicycling as Sport/Activity. Why… I think it should be both as a recreational. Don’t worry ITEMNO530. Many others will say it’s an Activity. I think it’s wrong. It’s Sport/Activity. On the other hand, I think it’s mainly Sport to me. I’m on your side ITEMNO530. Any takers.