Unitarian Universalists pray or play here (a thread inspired by Raphael)

http://stoney.sb.org/uujokes.html had many UU jokes, here’s a select few:

A UU meeting must seem strange to outsiders. A person will speak and says nothing. Nobody listens - and then everybody disagrees.

“The General answers his own phone. Must be a Unitarian.”

  • Col. Sherman Potter, M.A.S.H 4077

From the Simpsons:

Bart is playing Billy Graham’s Bible Busters in which you zap people and convert them to Christianity. Bart is really getting into the game and after zapping a guy he exclaims “Alright I got him”. Ned Flanders’ boys reply, “No you just winged him, now he’s a Unitarian.”

A man was being given a tour of Hell by the Devil. “This is the area where we keep people who have violated the food taboos of their religion”, the Devil said. “Behind this first door are the Catholics. These are the ones who ate meat on Friday. Behind the second door are the Jews. They all ate pork. Behind the third door are the Unitarians.” The man looked puzzled. The Devil clarified, “They didn’t partake of tofu, hummus, or free-trade coffee.”

What’s the difference between an agnostic, an atheist, and a Unitarian?
I don’t know, and I don’t care one way or the other.

For Jews, the deity is YHWH.
For UU’s, YMMV.

Do UU’s ever pray?
Only when they think a Democrat is going to lose an election.

A visitor asked why there were two churches in the tiny village.
The villager replied: “One says there ain’t no hell. The other says the hell there ain’t.”

Does drinking decaf make you a UU Lite?

How many UUs does it take to change a light bulb?
An undetermined number. We choose not to make a statement either in favor of, or against, the need for a light bulb.
However, if on your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, that’s fine.

You are invited to form a committee, write a poem or compose a modern dance about your bulb for next Sunday’s service, during which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life, and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.
– From “Solitaire, Poker and Seeing God” by Roger Peltier, 3/14/04, and as quoted from personal correspondence with Joan Goodwin.

How many UU’s does it take to change a lightbulb?
Why would anyone want to change a lightbulb?

You May Be A Unitarian Universalist If…

you think socks are too formal for a Summer service.
even your goldfish gets to vote on family TV viewing choices.
you consider Charlie Brown & Dilbert to be spiritual leaders.
you know at least 5 ways to say Happy holidays!
your Christmas tree has 7 symbols on its top.
unleavened bread is part of your Easter Brunch.
you find yourself lighting a chalice before brushing your teeth.
if when you watch Jaws you root for the shark. (“Hey, sharks have to eat too!”)
belly-dancing has ever been part of a Sunday service.
on Hallowe’en you explain to everyone the Pagan significance of their costumes.
you consider Groucho, Harpo & Chico to be the “Holy Trinity.”
the “X-Files” is a regular source of your church’s sermons.
you consider Millard Fillmore one of the greatest U.S. Presidents. (He was Unitarian).
you think “Whatever” is a valid theological point.

I am The Very Model of a Modern Unitarian
by Christopher Gist Raible
Sung to “I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General”
from “The Pirates of Penzance”.

I am the very model of a modern Unitarian,
Far broader than a Catholic, Hindu, Jew or Presbyterian.
I know the world’s religions and can trace their roots historical
From Moses up to Channing, all in order categorical.
I’m very well acquainted, too, with theories theological,
On existential questions I am always wholly logical,
About most any problem I am teeming with a lot of views,
I’m full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty pews.

We’re full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty pews.
We’re full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty pews.
We’re full of fine ideas that should fill our church’s empty empty pews.

I quote from Freud and Jung and all the experts psychological.
I’m anti nuke, I don’t pollute I’m chastely ecological.
In short, in matters spiritual, ethical, material,
I am the very model of a modern Unitarian.

In short, in matters spiritual, ethical, material,
We are the very model of a modern Unitarian.

UU’s sound kinda dumb to me. Saying their is no wrong way to heaven is like saying gravity only applies to you if you believe in it.

Don’t feel bad. I’m a UU and we sound kinda dumb to me too.

The robot has detected a problem with this analogic.

I’m rarely entertained by your smartass remarks to peoples threads, but I must say this one right here really got me laughing out loud.

But is it worse to believe there is only one right way to heaven, while living in a world where your version is only practiced by, say, 6% of the population?

It’s implicit in your question that something REAL will change when they have converted 100%.

And that’s exactly what guides a small fraction of proselytizers.

My Great step parents are UU. They wanted me to go and I was like

Then we went to their friends party around christmas, couldn’t call it that though. Thought I would have to smile and shake hands for a few hours ended up playing dominos with some strange retarded kid and a few other folks for 8 hours and then rummy cube for 1-2 more.



You can choose whatever religion you want anyway tardface, but

same as any church, to talk about stupid shit for hours and pretend like anybody cares or follows it.

flame on lol, sarcasim


Why does any religion/faith need a church? Think about that for a while and then see if the answer is any different than for the UUs.

Seek first to understand, then be prepared to ask less-stupid questions. A listing of jokes is hardly the most accurate way to learn about something, though it may be a good way to cut through a lot of the boring stuff… :slight_smile:

I thought Billy’s jokes were kinda funny

I have never gone to UU. Sounds kinda fun really. I enjoyed the church dinners and gatherings I went to when I was a kid, and occasionally went to when I was an older skeptic.

UU sounds good for folk that want the fun of church, without having to debate stuff like who is really "saved ",all the time. I always preferred a modest competent god that could do god stuff correctly without my advise, or that of a room full of yelling people. That allows us to sing a bit, then eat and party.

Perhaps I would fit right in. If it was my turn to pontificate, I could pretend I could explain non theistic socialism as a form of “god’s will” , if it results in a reality that is better at creating a sort of “heaven on earth”, that would include socialized medicine in the USA. We need to see caring for the sick and poor in the USA as a good idea, like it is done in the other successful countries. Then someone will get up and start talking about homeopathic recipes to make unleavened bread…

I’m not an expert on this, but I believe those churches originated in the Boston area, and sill have their main headquarters there.

Yes, like everyone else, Uni-Unis choose which holidays to celebrate, which ones to give passing attention to, and which ones to ignore. I know a group that likes to celebrate the equinoxes (and half-equinoxes, whatever those are called), which is, in effect, celebrating the coming of the new seasons.

I don’t think you mean solstices.

Many Earth religions like Wiccans celebrate the 2 solstices and the 2 equinoxes as major Holidays, and the 4 midpoints between as minor Holidays.

The Unitarian Universalist Association headquarters is in Boston. The area is probably the densest for UU congregations. Our minister went off and took a position as minister in Framingham a year or so ago.