Unit 1.0 - a new trials'n'MUni film

Here’s my new trials an Muni film - “Unit 1.0”. I’ve been looking for ages for a place to host it. Thanks to OB1 for his suggesting the eengoedidee.nl site. You need to be a member to download vids - it only takes a minute and an email address to become a member. download it here

Tell me what you think of it.


<blatant thread bump>

So has anyone actually seen my movie? I reckon its worth the download. Go on - you know you want to!

I’m also surprised no one else responded. I saw it the other day, but I didn’t have enough time to reply, sorry. It was good. I can’t remember specifics now but I know I thought it was good. Keep’em coming.


Cool video! Some nice riding!

The slow frame rate was kind of annoying though.

i saw your video, the best move was the footplant 360, that was so smooth it made me go out and learn them

46 meg is a big download, unless you have bandwidth to chew through. Can you compress it down to a smaller file?
Maybe use Qtime format?

How long is it?

awesome video! very nice 360 footplant, also some amazing drops (6 feet+?)

definitely worth the 46 megs


Heh, heh- the thread bump worked! :smiley:

Yeah, 360 footplants are kinda cool and real easy to learn once you can foot plant. The fewer hops you take on the planted foot the better, I reckon. Though I’ve never done a footplant 360 with only one foot hop.

The drop towards the end of the film was about my head height - 175cm. The drop in the biketrials section was bigger - about 2m.

I will try compressing the movie tonight.

Well, this sucks. I spent ten minutes signing in, then waiting for the confirmation e-mail. Then I tried to download it, and I accidentally cancelled it, so I tried again. But it says I’ve reached my daily download limit. So now, I have to wait until tomorrow to download it! :angry:

Very cool Tony! I can’t wait to come and ride Woodhill Forest with you. :slight_smile: I was really impressed by the gaps to crank grabs. I always seem to fall over when trying them. Your frame remains the coolest trials frame I’ve ever seen. :slight_smile:

By the way, have we discussed my sending some of your footage to Zack for his movie? I thought we had. He wants to have a Tonya nd Andrew section or something and I really need to send it soon because I’ve put it off for so long.


Here’s a 5MB, unicyclist.com/gallery hosted version…

Still have’nt got my confrimation e-mail yet, and that was like 4 hours or more ago.

Resized unicyclist.com gallery version…

Who’s your best friend? :wink:


Re: Resized unicyclist.com gallery version…

You are Andrew…

But yeah yeah seen that one before :wink: Nah really good stuff Tony!
You’re my hero :smiley:

Pretty cool video. I like the fact that it was all shot on a stillshot camera, because I too am using only a Kodak digital that has a video function…

cool. interesting that you used a digital camera. i was dissapointed to not see as much crazy off the wall moves as previously, but still pretty damn crazy. :wink:

Nice video! Keep it up!!!

Quality work.

Great riding and video! Enjoyed watching the drops…

Re: Resized unicyclist.com gallery version…

Danke, but now it’s tomorrow, so I can download the full version. Thanks anyway, though! ( :