Unique tire fit questions

Hey all, I was wondering what rim/frame combo I would use for this tire:

I am a sucker for all things purple, and this beauty caught my eye. My main question is, will this fit in any of my current frames, or do I need to order the 20" fat frame from @www.einradshop.ch to fit this beast?

My current available frames are:
Impact Gravity 20 and 24
Impact Athmos 20

If there is a way to cram this monstrosity in, what rim would it have to be paired with?


You will need a fat frame. And optimally, a wider rim. I have the 24x3.5” version of that tire (black), and love it. I wish they made the 24” in purple.

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Thanks! Sad, I already have a purple impact frame…

Just out of curiosity, what frame are you running with the 24x3.5 version? Also, I just checked the specs provided, and the ACTUAL width is 3.66" on a 80mm rim

I am running a Large Mad4One Muni frame with an extended neck. The upper tube is 10cm longer than normal (just in case the frame looks weird or unusual to you).


This tire is also very most likely taller than any other 20’’ tire. It wont fit a ‘‘normal’’ 20’’ frame. There are plenty of ‘‘normal sized’’ 20’’ tires in purple too. Look up for Purple BMX tires and you’ll find tons.

I could also make a frame to fit this monster, and powdercoat it purple!


I actually had not checked mad4one yet. It seems they sell a 20x4 unicycle already!

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Hatchet fit 5inch tire?

Yep: https://www.unicycle.co.uk/26-nimbus-hatchet-frame-grey-42mm.html