Unique Regional Stupidities

With many thanks to the superior brain of Raphael for the discussion starter:

In Minnesota, we still think black people are “colored.” We don’t hate them or anything–we are far too nice for that, but we would rather not have them as neighbors or serving on the city council.

We cover every casserole with “Tater Tots.”

We begin every discussion, letter, email with a statement about the weather.

Wicked racialist that is jethro is?

Yes, and I am also a wicked taterist.

And a wicked weatherist.

my misfortune of the speak of you, dose not understand.

My grandmother says “Coloured people” also… and if Im ever around when she says it in front of people its really embarassing!

Ummm… regional stupidities

At home- some people call old chese" fort". Not realizing its french for old. like… its actually really common

We use the word wizzled for wrinkled

we call Mantua “MAN-A-WAY”

and a lot of people call chimneys “CHIM-LEYS” (that one buggs me)

umm alot of poeople here on the west side really like nascar :roll_eyes:

almost all the old people call cantelopes, mushmelons, and corn, ears

the youth here talk like they have the generic surfer voice or somting becuase we say dude, sweet, sick, stoact (i havent the slightest clue how to spell it), etc. waaaaay to much (myself included)

All of my friends make fun of the hicks living aorund us, when infact we are in the middle of the corn belt

thats all i can think of but there are probably more…


Re: Unique Regional Stupidities

Hmmm… must be a minneapolis thing as that’s not the case where I live.

Re: Re: Unique Regional Stupidities

You hang out with a different crowd than I do. Your crowd has done a much better job of learning from the mistakes of the people who went before them.

I think its funny when old people call soda ‘soder’…HAHAHAHA! :thinking: :astonished: I cant think of any slang around here. Umm…we call black people ‘black people’ and the black people call black people ‘niggas’, and they also refere to white people as ‘nagga’ also. Umm…well, its hard to know whats diffrent then other people because i say things all the time that sound right.

Regional or not, what makes me cringe is hearing that someone is going to “warsh” the car or “warsh” the dishes.

But then again, I think it may have been Victor Borge who claimed that the number of consonants in the universe is constant. For instance, if someone in Boston “paahks the caah in the paahkway”, someone in Texas is pumping “earl” out of the ground.

It’s French for “strong”, or at least forte (with an e) is.

This is more of a US thing than regional.

We pronounce “sorry” and “tomorrow” as “sarry” and “tomarrow”.

My Canadian relatives all pronounce it with a long “o”. More like “sore-ry” and “to-more-ro”.

They used to make fun of us on our pronounciations.

Then they go and call a garage a garaaaage.

I agree. I hate that, and i also can’t stand it when people say ‘i-deer’ instead of ‘idea’. Or ‘cue-pon’ instead of ‘coupon’.

Well… maybe it is for strong, but cheese which in english is called old in french is fort. MAYBE- its cause old cheese is strong. Anyway… the point is all kinds of people refer to it as fort casue it resembles english and they think it is.

et tu parle fancias?

I also do the long o like your relitives

haha. I took 2 years of french. But…i dont remember a lot. :frowning: Umm…hmm…lets see here. Je m’appelle Amanda. 16 ans. (?? i forgot how to say ‘i am 16 years old’). J’aime ecoute de la musique. (?) umm…crap. I forgot a lot of stuff. :-\ 2 years of french down the drain.

Whats funny is that Quebec (Canadian French) is a lot different than France French. Like Ive gone to Quebec before, and had no problem ordering food etc. But my sister (who actually lives in quebec now) went in the summer to france, and they spoke a lot different.


Would love to hear your input in the greetings gallery. Can you record a greeting in mp3 or wav and upload it?


I can record one… but how would I upload it… I’‘m pretty sure that I cant use the gallerys yet- I’'m still too new. I think thats how it goes

I can’t think of any unique regional stupidities here. They all seem to be universal stupidities. Like owning like a cell phone or like saying like “AWESOME” like every time like something like unusual like happens or like watching like reality TV or like that.

Perhaps the most distinct Seattle stupidity is voting for the incredible over-regulation of traffic flow and then wondering why you can’t get anywhere. Another would be driving while sleeping.

Stupidities that are HIGHLY local (my own) are not being able to break the habit of saying “hot water heater” or other redundant phrases. Also, saying something and believing that the person I’m talking to is listening to me. Distinguishing properly between “can” and “may” seems to be another disability of mine. Testing unicycles “just briefly” without protective gear seems to be something I do frequently.