Uniman #3
Title: Librarians!
Panel 1: We see an aerial view of a campus of a large educational institute. People are dotted here and there.
Panel 2: The front of a building on the campus. A sign next to it says:
Standing by the sign is BC Boy and Uniman, without unicycle.
BC Boy: I can’t believe you got a job here in the same uni I’m studying at
Uniman: It means we can spring into action at the first sign of trouble!
Panel 3: Facing our heros
BC Boy:I’m late for class… catch you later!
Uniman: See ya
Panel 4: Uniman enters the building.
Panel 5: Building reception. Uniman is handing papers to receptionist.
Uniman: Er, hi, yeah, I’m starting today in Soil Sciences?
Receptionist: Here’s your pass. Fourth Floor, Dr. Podzol room 3
Uniman: Thanks
Panel 6: Uniman and Dr.Podzol are standing at the entrance to a lab.
Dr.Podzol: And here is where the magic happens!! I’m so glad you’re joining our team. Here, meet Letitia, she’s working on her own research.
Panel 7: Sideways at Uniman and Letitia
Letitia: Hi
Uniman (though bubble): She’s fit, man!
Uniman: Huh- Hi!
Letitia (thought bubble): He’s freakin’ weird!
Outside the campus library, a group of students mills with an older student giving them orientation.
Orientation Lady: And here’s the library, you’ll spend your life here guffaw guffaw you might as well not live in halls and make a bed here guffaw
But seriously don’t really cause they kick you out at closing time…
BC Boy: geez
Panel 9: Library reception. The group are milling there.
BC Boy (thought bubble): Man this is boring, I’m ditching.
Panel 10: BC Boy is wandering around the shelves.
BC Boy: This place is big
Panel 11: BC Boy is looking round a corner
BC Boy: Where am I? What the?!?
Panel 12: We see what BC Boy is seeing, around a corner into a hidden room behind the shelves… a glowing green light and humming.
Panel 13: BC Boy has moved closer to the light, and is trying to peer in
Panel 14: BC Boy same position, but someone speaks off panel
Librarian: What are you doing?
Panel 15: BC Boy and librarian face each other
BC Boy: Uh, nothing… I’m lost. What’s in that room?
Panel 16: Closeup on Librarian’s face. Green underlight in evil evil way
Librarian: The Photocopier!
Panel 17: BC Boy close up.
BC Boy: Oh, right.
Panel 18:Outside the Soil Science building, Uniman is standing, looking at his watch. Letitia is coming down the stairs behind him
Letitia: Meeting someone for lunch?
Panel 19: Letitia and Uniman facing each other
Uniman (thought bubble): Man, she’s hot
Uniman: Yeah, I know a student here
Letitia: Cool. Well, have a nice time. I go to town to get lunch.
Panel 20: Uniman is looking around.
Uniman: Where is he? Ah! There he is!
Panel 21: View of uniman from further away. We see BC Boy to his right… and in front of him… and to his left
Uniman: And he’s there! And there! What’s going on???
Panel 22: BC Boys and Uniman standing facing each other
Uniman: What’s going on BC??
BC Boys (all at once): I’ve been photocopied!!
Panel 23: Same
Uniman: Whoa, don’t all speak at once!
Panel 24: Bird’s eye view. Uniman is pointing to BC Boy on his right
Uniman: You’re BC 1
Panel 25: Same view, Uniman points to BC Boy in front
Uniman: You’re BC 2
Panel 26: Same view, uniman points to BC boy on his left
Uniman: And you’re BC 3
BC 3: Why does he ge to be 1? I’m the real BC
Panel 27: Same view, BC Boys are fighting, uniman has head in hands
BC Boys: No I’m the real BC!
BC Boys: It’s me!
BC Boys: no me!
Panel 28: Regular view. Uniman is walking and the BC Boys looking beaten up are trailing behind.
Uniman: But how did it happen? What does it mean?
Panel 29: Same
BC Boy 1: I can’t remember exactly what happened, but who cares? Now I’m three times the power!
Panel 30: Same but BC Boy 1 is looking confused at others
BC Boy 2: You can say ‘thrice’
BC Boy 3: Whatever, dweeb
Panel 31: Uniman and the BC Boys are getting shoved by a student rushing past them
Uniman: What’s the big idea?
Student: I just heard on the news! The Bicyclists are kidnapping the mayor!
Panel 32: Uniman and BC Boys strike a pose
Uniman: Let’s go… boys…
Panel 33: Aerial view of City Centre. Police chase going on. Many bikes in front of lead police car. Sirens, Lights, the Works. On top of a building we see Uniman and the three BC Boys
Uniman: It looks like they’re doing pretty well
BC Boys: The Bicyclists or the police??
Panel 34: Interior of lead police car, driver beeping horn
Policeman: Man, these bicyclists are everywhere! We can’t get through to the mayor!!
Panel 35: Side shot, far away, Uniman and BC Boys (in Wheel form) are hopping from roof to roof, catching up to the front.
Uniman: Let’s stick together, and approach them from the front, that way they’ll be trapped between the police and the buildings
Panel 36: Front view of our heros hopping buildings, with view of street below; they are just in front of the bicyclists
BC Boy 1: Good idea
BC Boy 2: No way, what a loser idea!
BC Boy 3: For once I agree with this idiot!
Panel 37: BC Boys 2 and 3 are going off in opposite directions, leaving Uniman and BC Boy 1 alone to face the oncoming hoard of Bicyclists
Uniman: Oh, Holy [this has been censored for sensitive souls]
BC Boy 1: Very descriptive, I couldn’t have said it better myself
Panel 38: Uniman and BC Boy face hoard. The mayor can bee seen tied to the front bike in the middle. To the right is a large building with a long metal rail descending towards the hoard.
Uniman: I’ll take out the right side, you take out the left
BC Boy 1: Gotcha!
[NOTE: Next few panels we see hoard getting closer]
Panel 39: Uniman gets to steps of large building
Panel 40: Uniman bunnyhops up the stairs
Panel 41: Uniman reaches top of stairs
Panel 42: Uniman simultaneously does a 180 unispin and body twist, jumping high enough to land on the rail
Panel 43: Uniman grinds down the rail
Uniman: Initiating Super Spark Grind!
Panel 44: As uniman grinds, huge bright sparks are flying onto the bicyclists, who lift their arms to protet their faces
Panel 45: Many bikes lose control and fall over, creating barrier to other bikes.
Bicyclists: Noooo!
: Arrgh!
:My eyes!
:My Face!
:My Shins!
:My £^&!%!!
Panel 46: BC Boy had crushed most of the left, leaving the lead bike with the mayor cycling ahead. Uniman is to the right of frame.
Uniman: Leave him to me!
Panel 47: Aerial view of Lead Bike (cyclists name: Frank) and Uniman chasing behind
Frank: There’s no way you’ll out cycle me, Unifreak! Two wheels are better than one as they say!
Uniman: Would they happen to be cowards with no sense of balance?
Panel 48: Frank is getting further away
Uniman (thought bubble): He’s tight though, I can’t keep up… not unless I use…
Panel 49: Closeup of Uniman’s seat, seatpost and top of wheel. Uniman is pressing a button in the handle.
Uniman (thought bubble): First the fuel
Panel 50: Same closeup. Whirring noise. Little holders are emerging from the wheel’s frame
Panel 51: Same closeup. clicking noise. Little rockets are coming down form under the deat and being deposited into the holders. They sit on the tyre and are ridden on as uniman goes forwards.
Panel 52: Slightly less closeup, can see most of uniman, not with rockets all around the tyre. Uniman is pressing another button (beep!)
Uniman (thought bubble): And now the ignition.
Panel 53: Extreme closeup. A little flame shoots out the back of the seat and ignites the rockets as they pass.
Panel 54: Diagonal aerial view of Frank and Uniman. Uniman’s wheel looks like it’s on fire and he is zooming to blurriness.
Frank: What the!!
Panel 53: Uniman is blazing after the bicyclist. View from facing the bicyclist, who has the mayor in his front basket. Panic on mayor’s face, anger on bicyclists face, determination and grit on Uniman’s face.