
Hey I’m brand-spanking new here, and I was wondering how many other girls there are, and maybe where you all are with your riding, and how you got into unicycling.

I pray you get as good as shaun then we would have a street unicycling king and queen.

Not really a girl anymore, but I’m an almost over-the-hill female, does that count? I started when I was six because my little brother learned to ride his two wheeler sans training wheels when he was three, I needed to one-up him. My Dad dismembered by tricycle and made it into a uni. he said " If you can ride that thing, I’ll buy you a Schwinn."

The rest is somewhat ancient history.

It’s good to see more female riders :smiley:


Anyways, good luck getting all the other female riders to post here, not saying that youll need luck to get them here, cause it wont be challenging at all, you know what i mean lol

Oh yeah, that definitely counts…

One more of us and one less of them.

I’ve only got one thing to say about your avatar.

That “hill” is BillyTheMountain…

Watch out, though. Lately word has come out that many “unigirlz” are actually 40 year old men living in their mother’s basement, who took Tyler’s course on how to write like a girl.

You may even be one… :smiley:

Unicycle on through the wind
Unicycle on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Unicycle on, Unicycle on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never Unicycle alone

a new song by BillyTheMountain

Are you saying that Tyler writes like a girl, or that Amanda no longer has to hide behind those pictures of her neighbor’s daughter, now that “her” secret is out? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Is Dave saying: One more of us who pretend to be what we are not?

I’ll never be over you, Billy. :sniffle:

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Somtimes I really can use it!

I kind of think women have an advantage unicycling and snowboarding because they have a lower center of balance.

Definatly female here.
Its nice having a partner who rides, instant riding buddy.


Blake knows all the dirt. It’s her expertise. So she also knows me better than you. You’ve got your gnarly roots deep into my shoulder, but …

I think it’s time you let go. I’ll split the royalties with you, even though I rightfully deserve them all.

Tell Studebaker H. that I have picked up and moved to Blake’s beautiful new house, now with a mountain view that has doubled the real estate value.


I just called the contracctor, he’s enlarging the front door and raising the ceilings. :wink:

That is so sweet of you, you dirty girl.

It’s not necessary, though. You know I could always find some room out back… :smiley:


:astonished: Ouch. Haha. No, that’s pretty sweet that there’s at least another soccer fan around here…and I’m really glad to find that there are a few girls as well!

At least one…

i am neither boy nor girl, i dont exist, this isn’t even a post

I’m a girl (well, geezerette).

I learned to unicycle last year cos I thought it was a good idea at the time, challenge for my 40th year, and the most impossible thing at my circus club.

I’m a slow learner but at the moment I’m about Level 2 (although I can do some other stuff). I’m also into distance riding and cross country and unihockey (at the beginner stage).

(Did you notice how the blokes couldn’t help muscling in on your thread, as if they didn’t have enough to respond to! :smiley: )
