UniGeezer: 14 stair jump!!!

Haha that’s what I wanted ppl to think…at first! :smiley:

No, I didn’t know them they just showed up as I was about to do that 6 set, so it gave me the idea to include them in the video. I went there specifically to do the fake 14 stair jump, not expecting anybody to be around.

Another cleaver video Terry! Too bad you for the missing video, really would have been great to see all of that drop :wink:

Another clever video Terry! Too bad you for the missing video, really would have been great to see all of that drop :wink:

Every time I look at the raw footage at the time of the stair jump, all I see is a weird glitch! A mystery that may never be solved!:stuck_out_tongue:


Wow dude, that’s insane!!! Too bad your camera messed up when you were in the air. But good thing you got the landing. Looked pretty clean to me.

haha thanks! I also jumped a 19 set, but for some reason my camcorder didn’t get a single frame of it! :wink:
But seriously, I know I could jump and clear a 12! :stuck_out_tongue:

I see sonic. Hold down and spin spin spin spin!

I don’t get it. :thinking: (Jerrick’s post)

Geez, can’t you people tell that it’s fake?

If you look closely at the top, what looks like two step is actually only one! But it’s possible that I’m wrong, since it’s hard to tell due to the low quality.

Anyway, good job. :wink:
(And I hope you don’t find this offensive, it wasn’t meant to be!)

Lol. Thanks.:smiley:

I see the little round thingy spinning off & on, but I didn’t know it was referred to as [a] “sonic”.

I’m not sure that the gif I posted would live up to the definition I found below:

3. Slang Extremely exciting and fast-paced: a sonic lifestyle.

I have an idea for a video that will get unprecedented hit count.
“140 cm Side Hop by MuniAddict”

Firstly, the average Video forum viewer, blindly clicks any link that seems sensational and/or plausible. They can’t help it.
Then in total disgust, there will be an innumerable backlash of feedback.
Of course, this will erode any credibility MuniAddict had, and you may have to
a) change your name
b) attempt a ‘drop’ from Wal Mart, which knowing MuniAddict, seems plausible

Haha nah, I think making only one “fake” video out of 150 is fine. :smiley:

:astonished: Amazing and very funny :smiley: