Unicyle Story Thread

[This is a story thread. You are invited to add the thread, add twist and turns to the plot. There are very few rules: comments like these sentences that are not related to the plot should begin and end in square brackets ‘[]’, as always please don’t be rude to our fellow unicyclist.]

Honk! Honk! Honk!.. “It’s 5AM, what the heck is that racket outside.” thinks Chrashing, rolling over to fall back to sleep. A short time later, HONK! HONK! HONK! Chrashing angrily gets out of bed, hurries across to a window in the front of the house. He peeks through the blinds, thinking “What kind of jerk would be honking in the neighborhood at this hour?”. “What the heck?” observing a large bus parked in front of his house.

Chrashing runs back to the bedroom to throw on some clothes, rushing to get outside to quiet the bus which continues sounding it’s horn. “What is a bus doing there, at this hour, and honking? Must be at the wrong house, I better get out there and set him straight.” Chrashing runs out the front door, down the steps and out to the bus. “I’ve never seen such a strange looking bus”, he thinks as he hurries around the front towards the folding doors.

As he approaches, the doors swing open. Looking up the steps to the driver, Chrashing pauses to review the situation. Before he can speak, the driver says, “We almost left without you man, glad you showed up”. “What?” answers Chrashing, but before he can get any more out, the driver interrupts with a friendly but insistent voice, “Hey, you’re not gonna be traveling that light. You have the standard two minuets to grab your unicycle and toothbrush! Chrashing stutters back, “What…two minutes…unicycle?”. The driver interrupts, “You have one minute and fifty three seconds. Better move buddy.”

Luckily 25 years of office work have trained Chrashing to react to an impending deadline like a trained monkey. Chrashing bolts back to the house, stuffs his backpack, and then goes into the garage to grab his gear. He pauses just a moment at his three unicycles, musing, “can’t bring them all, so I’ll take my trusty Nimbus Muni”. Back to the bus he runs and as he jumps up to the steps through the bus door he hears a crowd inside the bus counting out, “ 11… 10… 9… Hooray, he made it!”.

Immediately the bus doors close, and the bus lunges forward. Chrashing drops his uni and falls deep into a seat in the back. “Who’s next Gilby?” echoes through the bus in UNIson.

And so the story begins. Enjoy.

[OK, Where the story goes next could be up to you. Please join in and continue the thread.]

Chrashing looked around him as he recovered his breath, the bus was about half full and every body had a uni on the overhead rack, some 20s, some munis and just one coker, that stuck right out over the gangway. There was only one occupied seat that didn’t have a uni overhead, the seat opposite him. Chrashing looked down from the rack to see a blonde woman smiling at him, “Its up there” she said , “Its just a little smaller than your muni, I like to travel light” .
“Er, right, Hi” he said, “I’m Chrashing, who are you, who are ALL these people, have we all been abducted?”
“G’day. The name’s Debbie” she replied “I’m not quite sure whats going on yet either , Like you I was woken at ridiculous o’clock, told to grab a uni and jump on board. I think there some magic going on, I WAS in Australia, now from your accent we seem to be some where else. I think its a knight bus.”

[to be continued]

[ Great continuation Sarah.miller! I had never heard of a knight bus, but looked it up on the web, Knight bus link! It’s perfect, and it is even Brighthand blue. :sunglasses: ]

Still hazy from the going’s on, “What, but I don’t have an accent”, insist Chrashing. Debbie laughs out loud and with a smile, “Your certainly American then, ha! Sure, it’s the rest of the world that has the accent!” Turning red, Charshing,” Yes, err uh, your right, I mean I am American. That was my house in Poughkeepsie, New York. So your from Australia?”

Just then the bus bumps, and turns abruptly. After some serious gear grinding, it becomes obvious the driver had been distracted for a moment with paper work and the knobs on the dash. Now, regaining control, Gilby yells, “Harper’s next!”.

[ Hey, every story needs a handsome lead! ;)]

The entire bus joins in a count down with the bus driver. Debbie, warns Chrashing that he’d better hold tight to the seat. “ Five, Four, Three, Two, One”

Kblam!! the whole world explodes.

Or so it seemed, as the bus is rocketed forward. Out the windows of the bus, it is foggy with bright patterns of color pulsating by. The passengers in the bus relax again, most having been through this routine several times.

[…well recovered]

But then they wake up and relise it really has been exploded

And the bus happeed to be on a large enough chunk of world to pull over, get out and ride. Initially, the MUnis have the advantage, but with a plow on the front of the bus, they clear some rubble and make a nice path that evan the Coker can ride on.

the laptops have wireless access, and they continue to link to other Uni Busses that have also been saved. The next is planned…

Potter whips out his wand and with a few incantations sets all to rights, he knew those extra classes with Harper would come in handy one day.
The little patch of ground morphs into the verge of the Iron Horse Trail, its now 6am and the sun is shining, Bald eagles are flying over head and round the corner comes Blue Shift with Harper on board.

" Oh, so thats whats going on" exlaimed Harper, “I was trying to work out why Bluey here was soo insistant we went out at dawn”
" Ok Gilby how many you got for me today?"
" Just 20 today, all new to the traditions so be gentle on them"

Gilby bustled around handing every one a red T-shirt emblazoned with the legend " I’m too sexy for my unicycle"and a Chrashing looked closer at the picture he realised the distringied sage infornt of him was pictured on the shirt reclining in a tastefull pose with his uni.

" Ok, every one saddle up" said Harper," its time to go for a ride, Tom, JC and the others will be along in just a minute"
Chrashing popped onto his muni, Sara hopped about on her fat tire vyeing with Lutz as to who could do the coolest moves. Ben and Brad stopped wrestling and retrived their cokers from the bus. Debbie reached into her bag and pulled out her uni with its 3 inch wheel and 1 inch cranks. Bily the mountain looked at her uni and laughed, " You can’t ride the iron horse on that "
" Its Ok" called Gilby, “I mailed JC, hes bringing a spare along for her”

And so with much faffing and playing about the knightbus crew hit the trail for a ride with the SARs

[to be continued]

“squidle blobdus” went the eskimo whos head is 3 times the size it should be, caused by traveling through space without a space suit to reach the chunk of earth.

But then the eskimo turned out just to be a mirage. They were really in the middle of the Seattle Desert. Seattle had turned into a desert because when it got closer to the sun it became much hotter. After all of the rustling about, Tyler Cox jumped out of the bus with his Nimbus. “Glabbelfloooooben!!!” Tyler yelled and hopped on his uni and started stand-up seat in front backwards wheelwalking. Kris Holm who had gotten off of the bus right after Tyler was impressed and tried it himself. Kris tried and tried but instead of doing it gracefully like Tyler Cox, he fell and got a saguaro cactus wedged up his butt. After his injury, the bus sprouted wings and flew to the hospital on another wedge of the earth. “We’ll have to amputate…” stated the doctor. “W…W…What will you take off???” asked Kris. “Your butt,” said the doctor grimly. “NOOOOooooooooooo!!!” screamed Kris in pure demise.

[No offence to Kris! He rules!]

New Kris Holm seat

Not one to take such mishaps sitting down, Kris invented a new seat, so that anyone with an amputated butt could still ride a unicycle. Kris then asked Tyler for lessons, adn with Master Tyler as his divine guru, Kris’ skills improved greatly!


[Great going all. BTW in an earlier comment I remarked that the knight bus is blue like the Brighthand site. I really meant, blue like Unicyclist.com . Brighthand.com is a site that covers PDA.s, opps. ]

Gilby rides to the center of group and idles, “First, I want to welcome you all and thank you for joining in this mission.” Just then Harper quickly rides over in front of Gilby and interrupts, ”Hey everyone, how about a round of applause for Gilby! The man who provides the greatest web site on any remaining large chunk of the Earth!” The group cheers wildly. Gilby dismounts, takes a bow and thanks everyone for help making unicyclist.com such a great site.

Harper continues, “OK Now. Everyone 2 water bottles, a couple of power bars, helmet and knee pads. With the Earth being blown to pieces and all, there is just no telling what conditions we’ll find. But don’t worry, I assure you that we’ll take it easy to begin with.” Then quickly turning away from the crowd, Harper continues, “Good no questions. So let’s get going. The trail head is over near that broken cactus, over there where Sir Kris lost his butt.”

As the groups follows Harper. Debbie ask’s, “Did Gilby say mission? And what did Harper mean by, we’ll take it easy to being with?” Tylercox answers, “Cool a mission, I’m totally for it.”, he hurries off to the front of the pack. Chrashing, “I’m not sure what’s going on, I’m not officially level 1, you think we’ll have to leave the pavement?”.

Dramatic music is heard, building as the group departs the safety encampment around the bus, for territory unknown…

dun dun DUN dun…dun dun DUN dun…

after an hour or so of riding crashing heres a rumor about what the group is planning. supposedly the mountain bicyclists are planning to take over the world (or whats left of it) and get rid of all unicycles around the world. pondering this crashing all of a sudden runs into debbie who has dismounted, along withthe rest of the knight bus crew.

Chrashing fears the worst when Harper and Gilby summon the Knight Bus Crew(KBC).And as he expected the KBC are informed that the mountain bikers indeed have not only taken over what is left of the world but have left their muddy tire trails on unicyclist.com.No one messes with unicyclist.com.A plan has to be hatched.

While the next move is being planned the KBC camp out in the woods. Cue:Survivor music Tensions are relieved for a brief period as Harpar regales the guys with his best cross-dresser impersonation.But behind that seemingly lewd mask Harper is as mad as a unicycle scientist.The plan is hatched…

Endurance kings Ken Looi and Pete Peron will help Chrashing,Debbie,Sir Kris and Tyler reach Mt.Evil, secret hideout of the Mountain Bikers(not so secret anymore).When the place is reached, Sir Kris and Tyler will help the two scale Mt.Evil on their specially designed unis.Once there Chrashing and Debbie will infiltrate the Mountain Bikers gang.How will they do that?Gilby managed to smuggle two mountain bikes onto the Knight Bus.These bikes are the perfect disguise.But the enormously large number of Mountain Bikers is a huge issue.The rest who stay behind will ride and create as much noise and attract the Mountain Bikers there while the 6 brave heros will destroy Mt.Evil and regain control of unicyclist.com and the world…The unicyclist.com team cometh…

A heated discussion ensues on whether to use violent FORCE, or whether to use the more powerful peaceful means used by ML King and Ghandi. Bombthreat and Zod fight for violent means to wipe out the B*kers, while Gild and JJuggle push for peaceful means. John Childs facilltates, while a couple of Born-again Christians just kep telling everyone they must be saved, contributing nothing of worth to the discussion, but leaving people feeling put-off and put-down.

The best idea on the table so far is to challenge the Bkers to a trials competetion, where unis always beat the Bkers!!!