[This is a story thread. You are invited to add the thread, add twist and turns to the plot. There are very few rules: comments like these sentences that are not related to the plot should begin and end in square brackets ‘[]’, as always please don’t be rude to our fellow unicyclist.]
Honk! Honk! Honk!.. “It’s 5AM, what the heck is that racket outside.” thinks Chrashing, rolling over to fall back to sleep. A short time later, HONK! HONK! HONK! Chrashing angrily gets out of bed, hurries across to a window in the front of the house. He peeks through the blinds, thinking “What kind of jerk would be honking in the neighborhood at this hour?”. “What the heck?” observing a large bus parked in front of his house.
Chrashing runs back to the bedroom to throw on some clothes, rushing to get outside to quiet the bus which continues sounding it’s horn. “What is a bus doing there, at this hour, and honking? Must be at the wrong house, I better get out there and set him straight.” Chrashing runs out the front door, down the steps and out to the bus. “I’ve never seen such a strange looking bus”, he thinks as he hurries around the front towards the folding doors.
As he approaches, the doors swing open. Looking up the steps to the driver, Chrashing pauses to review the situation. Before he can speak, the driver says, “We almost left without you man, glad you showed up”. “What?” answers Chrashing, but before he can get any more out, the driver interrupts with a friendly but insistent voice, “Hey, you’re not gonna be traveling that light. You have the standard two minuets to grab your unicycle and toothbrush! Chrashing stutters back, “What…two minutes…unicycle?”. The driver interrupts, “You have one minute and fifty three seconds. Better move buddy.”
Luckily 25 years of office work have trained Chrashing to react to an impending deadline like a trained monkey. Chrashing bolts back to the house, stuffs his backpack, and then goes into the garage to grab his gear. He pauses just a moment at his three unicycles, musing, “can’t bring them all, so I’ll take my trusty Nimbus Muni”. Back to the bus he runs and as he jumps up to the steps through the bus door he hears a crowd inside the bus counting out, “ 11… 10… 9… Hooray, he made it!”.
Immediately the bus doors close, and the bus lunges forward. Chrashing drops his uni and falls deep into a seat in the back. “Who’s next Gilby?” echoes through the bus in UNIson.
And so the story begins. Enjoy.
[OK, Where the story goes next could be up to you. Please join in and continue the thread.]