My 11-year-old son has mastered his beginners unicycle and really wants a giraffe unicycle. I do not ride a unicycle and I’m fairly lost about what to buy and where to look. I would also be interested in hearing what your suggestions are for trick riding as he also likes to take his unicycle to the local skate park.
Thank you in advance for any help and suggestions you can provide.
Check out this link. These guys can help you out.
If your son want’s a giraffe I don’t think you could go wrong with a Torker TX. When they say it’s a 5’ giraffe what they mean is the seat is 5’ off the ground.
You can find them various places on-line. Most places will be cheeper than (UDC) but if anything happens they have excellent customer service.
Is this one of the kewlest threads in the history of kewl?
You just cracked the Top 3 Kewlest Moms On This Site at a canter.
The advice you’ve received so far is pretty spot-on. It might be possible to fine-tune the advice if we knew where in the world you are?
“It might be possible to fine-tune the advice if we knew where in the world you are?”
That’s why I usually supply the main UDC link as it allows the individual to chose their country (or the closest one to them at least)
Oh right, I’d forgotten about that, seeing as I have it set to automatically forward me to the USA site.
Sorry. I’m in CT, very near NYC.
Looks like the 5’ Torker is the winner. It’s under $150 on amazon so if he decides it’s not the direction he wants to go (no pun intended) I won’t be bummed that I spent a ton of money.
Thanks to you all for your help!!! It’s been invaluable!
He’s going to be one happy unicyclist on xmas morning.
I suspect you’re going to be back often. To find out about how to ‘freemount’ the giraffe, how to care for the giraffe and, should he not take to it, to come and resell the giraffe.
Remember to tell him to always dismount off the back.
It’s a safety thing because then you can always see where the wheel is heading. If you dismount off the front and the wheel hits something unexpectedly, you can hurt your back.
Everybody knows a Giraffe only needs to be combed.
Well, maybe (lame) french jokes shouldn’t be translated, I’m gone.
I got my first unicycle as a Christmas present when i was in middle school , to this day it was the single best Christmas present I can remember ever getting.