Unicyclists in Canada?

I would like to go to Canada for half an year and I just wanted to ask if there are Canadiens who unicycle. Just to inform myself at which part i would like to go. :slight_smile:
If you wanna know sth. about me, look at my video or just ask :]
[ http://www.youtube.com/user/UniLove94 ]

I’m new to unicycling, but there appears to be an active group of unicyclers in Toronto. There is a unicycling club with a website www.torontounicyclists.ca Hope that is helpful

And there are some really nice unicyclists in Ottawa and Montreal as well. You could consider visiting the Montreal/Ottawa/Toronto region.

Quite a few of us around Ottawa, Montreal has more people, Toronto has even more! But the less people there are, the more friendly they are. :wink:

Out west (think vancouver) has a ton as well.

We are a bunch of unicyclist in Montreal, if you understand french, you could make a thread on www.monotreal.ca.cx Feel free to post in english, we don’t mind. We organize weekly ride and we also ride during winter on the snow.

About 10 years ago I was visiting Montreal in the winter and taking a bus tour of the city. At several points during the tour we saw a unicyclist, clad appropriately for a Canadian winter, powering along sidewalks, hopping up curbs, in total control of his wheel, without a care in the world. That memory was the seed that slowly germinated into the purchase of my first uni. I honestly thought that the guy unicycling must be a member of the Cirque du Soleil, because I felt certain that ordinary folks did not unicycle.
Now that I unicycle myself, I realize that I was right, I’m not ordinary by any stretch of the imagination.:smiley:
Love those Montreal uni riders.:slight_smile:

British Columbia, especially Vancouver, has a fair number of riders. Our Muni trails are second to none, the scenery is awesome, and there is better weather here than in Eastern Canada.

If you come to BC, you won’t regret it.

Oh yes, I came here from England, and my first visit to Canada was to Vancouver. I fell in love with Canada in Vancouver. And KH, of 20", 24", 29" and 36" fame is also from BC.

Calgary unicycle club

The Screaming Skulls Unicycle club is Located in Calgary if you come our way. The web site is new but we meet weekly. skip the intro it is long.



Thank you for all these nice answers. I will get back to it later.

And of course everybody knows that good things gro-ooo-ow in Ontario.

I still can’t get that godamn jingle out of my head.

I’d take that jingle over that other tune I can’t get out of my head… Discovery Channel’s Boom-de-ya-da, Boom-de-ya-da.

Overplayed, but I like that commercial.

There are a few of us out here on the East Coast as well.
Halifax NS has a few riders. Not a whole lot of us yet, but I hope that changes this summer.

belleville/ nanaimo?

Are there some unicyclists of around of belleville or nanaimo?

I visit Nanaimo every summer for a couple of days. :slight_smile:

I haven’t heard of anyone in Nanaimo (but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any). There are a few around Victoria, I believe, and of course Vancouver, just a ferry away.


Hello. Now I know where I’ll go.
I’m going to Parksvillle( thats about 35 minutes to nanaimo) and a ferry to vancouver. Are ther some riders around parksville or in vancouver, that would like to meet me and to cycle with me? I’ll be there from the 29.january till the 1. july. Or do you know if there are some competitions in that time?
I would be happy to get an answer and/or get some pm’s :slight_smile:
thank you