Unicyclists from SLOVAKIA***

I don’t know anyone from Slovakia, who is unicycling. If there is somebody, write…I want to know some unicyclists from Czech Republic or Slovakia :slight_smile:
*** Carmella***

U u u…I’m from Slovenia:) Close by the name, but far from each other, I guess.
Just felt like I could mention it:D

I thought it said that at first

It’s a common misconception

i dont think i can help you much but i can at least tell you that there were 3 unicyclists from the Czech Republic at unicon in switzerland but unfortunately i cant tell you who they were and if they are in the forums…

keep on searching
greetings annika

I live in the Czech Republic and I’m moving to Slovakia in September! Though I think you already know that.

Len ftip pretoze mi poznas, ale pozri na Members List. Mozes videt vsichni z Cesko. Ale jsou stane ludie ako na jednokolka.cz


like austria and australia

Ok, that’s just austrias attempt to get cool T-shirts like: no kangaroos in Austria.

But I actually saw in London on the tower bridge a text from an angry Slovak: Slovakia is not Slovenia!
So, yeah, it’s global:D

Very very good ftip:D :smiley:

you been to london?

Yes, 3-4 years ago. And nope, didn’t see anyone on a uni. But I saw some parkour people. I liked that sport, but it’s too much running for me:D

Does somebody know about some unicycling events in Slovakia or Czech Republic? ( date+ place)