Unicyclists Demographics

Does anyone know of any demographic data that exists regarding unicyclists? I’ve heard here and there that something like this exists but haven’t ever actually seen anything. I think that this data would be helpful for a variety of reasons, least of all to get a better understanding of the sport in general.

Examples would / could include: age, nationality, family status (single, married, has kids, etc.), profession, number of years unicycling, age you learned to unicycle, type of rider (beginning / casual / intermediate / expert), number of unicycles you own, money / time spent on unicycling per year, etc., etc. The list could go on and on.

I think this is the best we have (not as detailed as you’re looking for): How many unicyclist are there in the world?

Also bear in mind that forums host older folks. The average here is probably higher than the reality. Younger unicyclists are on Instagram, TikTok, not here or FaceBook.

I agree that’s why I started the thread unicycling over 50 targeting that demographic. I wanted a place where older experienced riders could inspire and advise those less experienced older riders or those that road as kids and have decided to take it back up after many years.

I realize there are some extremely talented and serious riders out there doing amazing things and riding like twenty year olds, but there are many who are enjoying the chalange of learning or just going on a simple ride on a bike path on a sunny day. The over 50 post is a great place to mentor and be mentored as well as inspire and be inspired.

Please keep posting there to keep that resource alive.