Unicyclist Superhero!

I just saw a Canadian friend today and unicycling came up. He told me that he knew two guys back in Toronto who were walking at night when they were harrassed by some usavoury types, and were subsequently chased down an alley.

Then out of nowhere this guy on a unicycle appears and the attackers run away. The mysterious unicyclist then salutes our friends, and rides off into the night.

Does this ring a bell with anybody?
Isn’t it the coolest? It would be so great if someone else knew more!

lol do you think the next superhero is gonna be uniman? That would be quite interesting. I could so see a little boy purchasing his first ediition of the comic book. :roll_eyes:

Greg Irvine is my Unicyclist Superhero! We’re gonna go ride tomorow – RIGHT GREG??? we better because you promised. :sunglasses:

What a cool story!

It definately wasn’t me - even if I lived in Canada. I’d be BlunderUni anyway.


anyone good at drawing?
we could start our own comicbook with superhero.

but who would be the nemisis?

Bikeman, would be the anti hero surely.


It’s forsure now… we need to try and put together a uniman. it must be done. course we need to think of a name and a look. what the powers are… costume… etc.

Maybe it was Darren Bedford, or Ryan Atkins??

Well for starters, Uniman’s gonna be riding a unicycle lol. Maybe he can fly around on it. Like all super heros, they need to fly. He can have a cool belt too, but have nuts and bolts in it incase his unicycle falls apart bahaha.

haha then he gets a unicycle that can withstand his supersonic flying speeds

It wouldn’t fly…a flying unicycle would be silly. He’ll be like Batman…or Spiderman. And he would be able to hop buildings in a single bound…or maybe two, if he needs a prehop, for those really tall buildings.

I think he should be faster than a speeding bullet. Becasue that’s SOOO original :roll_eyes:

I thought that is why we had Ryan Atkins? LOL.


You’re right!! Ryan Atkins can hop on to buildings, pretty much…but is he a stealthy crime fighting creature of the night?

Haha I dont know about that. I was just saying he could jump really high :smiley: .

Haha that reminds me of the new cartoon from a long time ago with Pam anderson…

“Stripper at night… Super hero later at night!”

Bear has a mind for super heros and I have learned from him.

The seat and would have to double as something useful, potentially as a source of projectiles.

Rapidly spinning the wheel would generate some kind of forecfield. When a spin is done at precisely the correct speed while the wheel is rotating, the addition of the rotational field and the revolutional fields would result in some kind of energy burst from the in-phase fields.

The pedals of course have blades that can be popped out for slicing the legs of and tires villians.

The spokes double as sending and receiving antennae.

Okay, this guys a keeper. Ur gonna make us RICH!

You def. know ur stuff.

ooooooooh, the crankflip of doom!

heck, you can just use any shinburger pedals.

i like the way you and Bear think!
maybe you should sit down with him and come up with some more options for our superhero in making.

anyone think up of any names?
‘Uniman’ is good, but too expected.

good logo, just one wheel on the front chest.

It needs to be something amazingly cool, like…The Wonder Wheel. Or something…