Unicyclist secret code.

Yes, who wears blue facepaint that says PPUT.

Panther Pride!

BTW, a pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males.

Time Will Tell

Wow, so that was eventually explained. Thanks, I hadn’t slept in months.

Didnt you read the post that harper had? The link explained everything. You should have gotton some rest. Poor guy.
Therefore i think 768 would be a perfect secret code.

If I had only done further research (kick myself in the butt)…

The reasons for there being no secret code are many. 768 might do it for some though it is an insider joke and would exclude or confuse many. This was my first time encountering another unicyclist unexpectedly.

If only the world was a little bit smaller, we might all see eachother a little more often. It is hard being a lonely unicyclist…

can we kill this thread too?


or 851…

There is a secret salute.

There is a secret salute. :thinking:

That’s what secret does for you. If nobody knows it then it’s not much use…