Unicyclist on MyLifeIsAverage.com from Alaska

Was this any of you?

“Yesterday, I saw a man with dreads going down a deserted icy road, in december, in alaska, on a unicycle. I gave him the thumbs up. This guy redefines awesomeness. MLIA”


Could be Eric.

When did he get his hair cut?

lol…ads get weirder and weirder.

“i think riding a unicycle with dreads looks cool”

yeah, i prefer afros myself.

I lost the dreads just over a year ago. Haven’t been to Alaska since 2003 (hair was getting long but no dreads, and I don’t think I had tried my buddies unicycle yet.) - so it probably wasn’t me.

It was a fun trip and I would like to go back.

It’s cool to know other people who ride unicycles also read MLIA.