Hello to all…
I’m a unicyclist in Singapore… Anyone out there also from Singapore?
Check out the unicycling.org Roster of Unicyclists
I think Julian Lim posts here occasionally.
hello there,
ya, anytime, can drop me a line. that’s julianlim AT unicyclist Dot com OR yahoo dot com.
by the way, things seem to be quite Happening in the unicycling scene here in Singapore, mainly thanks to Ben Matthews. Every Tuesday evening there’s unicycle hockey at Singapore Poly, and apparently there’ve been lots of newcomers taking up unicycling lately.
contact Ben (t13 at pacific dot net dot s g) for details.
(i haven’t been going to these things cos tuesday nights are bad for me, and somehow hockey isn’t really my thing…)
the other place to meet unicyclists (occasionally) is at the youth park on friday evenings, where the jugglers meet.
See ya around.
4 wheels bad, 2 wheels good, 1 wheel best…
p.s. i’m absolutely amazed that someone from New Zealand actually noticed my name, since I don’t think i’ve posted more than, er, three or four times.
Hi Peculiar and Julian!
I’m from Singapore too! And I just started unicycling less than a month ago! For past 3 weeks, I’ve been down at Singapore Poly and what can say, it’s been really fun! Look forward to seeing you guys some day.
Well, that’s because I used to live in KL, Malaysia- moved to NZ when I was 9yrs old. I may visit Singapore and Malaysia sometime in future- will send you an email if I do
Cheers to all…
I’m still quite new to this thing… picked up the unicycle juz weeks ago… able to get the hang of it after days of practice… It’s great to know you all out there
check out this thread and see if u can contribute some data
have fun!