In december I took part in the biggest european <a href=“Wetten, dass..? - Wikipedia”>Wetten Dass…?">TV Show. I had to gap 11 carbage containers and sadly didnt managed it to do all jumps. You can watch the video from the show on
- YouTube
Now a few month later I got a call from the chinese version of the same show. They saw me on TV and realy liked my “bet” and decidet to ask me if I want to perform in there show also. Everything went realy fast afterwards and only two weeks after I talked with them they booked me a flight and I will fly to china tomorow. I am realy curious how the TV Show will be in china and will update you about my performing and everything else. I hope to post some pictures and hopefully videos off the show here and/or in my team blog (german) soon.
Its crazy how many people watch the chinese version of the show. In germany around 10 million people are watching each time but in chinese even the show is broadcastet weekly there around 60 million people are watching each time.