Saw this article - thought everyone might enjoy it and encourage Gracie along. Maybe we can try to join her for a day when she gets near our cities. Oh, best wishes to every ones MOM - Hudson (330) 701-3922
Reported by Nicole Ferguson (nferguson at of WECT-6 Wilmington
MAY 7, 2006 – After graduation, many college students get new jobs, go to graduate school, and take exciting trips. However, few college graduates embark on an adventure like the one Gracie Sorbello is taking. Sorbello, a graduate from Duke University, is taking the adventure of a lifetime.
“It’s pretty cool going through all the small towns in America, especially when I get on the Transamerica route,” said Sorbello.
Sorbello is no stranger to the pedal.
“Well I didn’t have a car at school so if I’m not unicycling, I’m biking,” said Sorbello.
Just 40 miles into her adventure, Sorbello’s hopes and spirits are high. She averages about 10 miles an hour. The 22-year-old will travel nearly 4,000 miles this summer.
From Wrightsville Beach to Pacific Beach, Washington, she will ride her unicycle across America. She will only stop when she feels like stopping, all the while raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This is a challenge close to her heart.
“My uncle has multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. I can’t do anything to fix the situation but this is something I can do to raise awareness,” said Sorbello.
She says sometimes she gets strange looks, but she assumes the looks are about interest and not annoyance. She says making the trip on a unicycle is more fun than a bike.
When her trip is over, her fun won’t end. Sorbello says she may go surfing for a couple of weeks. Whatever Sorbello ends up doing, it probably won’t match up to this adventure of a lifetime.
To learn more about her fundraising efforts and to monitor her progress, you can visit Sorbello’s website at
[COLOR=magenta]Reported by Nicole Ferguson (nferguson at of WECT-6 Wilmington