Unicyclist.com chat?


I was just wondering if unicycle.com had a chat room… or even if they used a chat like MIRC or something.

If they dont, there should be one :stuck_out_tongue: Assuming it is possiable.

Look up on the top of the page, there is a link titled “chat” going to http://www.unicyclist.com/chat

this is probably gonna make me look really stupid… but I’m looking, and I have looked and I cant find chat :frowning: I think I must be blind, or easily disoriented

its like this…

home-fourms-news-auctions-CHAT-e-mail-gallery-shop-support us

i tried chat and it said i am a trojan :astonished:


Here it is on the top right


sorry bout the color

Odd… Eventually I connected but for about 30 seconds this haoppened while listing different server names. Gilby?


same here

oogaboogadg.bmp (559 KB)

I just tried it and got in after it tried a few servers. Then I went to the DALnet website to get the latest list of irc server and tried them all. Only connected on two of them in the first try, so I put thos on the top of the list so it’ll try those ones first.

Thank you Gilby.