Well unicycling is becoming more popular and with more and more videos of it on youtube i think in another 10 years people will finally find out its not for clowns and it will get really popular. Maybe even as popular as skateboarding. Who knows? So what do you reckon?
From Brendon.v
I reckon people still won’t use the search feature once it gets that popular.
i reckon people will still yell at the people for not using teh search feature once it gets popular looks at post above
yah, i think it could get popular. since i started a few months ago, i convinced someo people, and now there’s 4 unicyclists in our little city. =D
4 unicyclists compared to about a hundred skater probably.
yah…but its a step. . and theres a bunch of people who wanna try it, and would probably start
it will never be as popular as skating or bmx, unless we go on a mad rampage killing all of them.
yes it is cool that it is getting bigger, but at a certaint point, we become common. where as now we are not something most people see everyday. is that what we want?
We’ve been over this. And over this. And over this.
The general consensus is that unicycling will never be as mainstream as skateboarding because of two words: learning curve. It’s much easier to get on a board and just ride forward than it is to get on a unicycle and just ride forward.
Not sure what your point was. All I know is that there are skaters out there that started skating for who knows what reason: Their big bro did it, it was on TV, they just wondered into a skate shop one day? After stepping onto the board something hit 'em. That was it, skating became life. A few years pass and all they do is skate, every free minute thats what they are doing. What else could make them feel so good? BLAM all of a sudden they are making a living traveling around skating. Paying bills buying a car a house, LIVING FROM WHAT THEY LOVE. I would love if uniycling could do that for me. Let it grow.
my point if it (which it never will) become as big as skateboarding then it is as common as skateboarding, “oh look, another unicyclist”. they start ,by word, including us in the no skateboarding, biking etc laws and signs. we become the “nobody” skaters are. we no longer are unique.
the lack of want of unicycles(relatively) lets only a few people live off selling and making unicycles.
and your reason for why skaters start, while it happens/ed to a lot of people, i think a lot do it to be “cool”. and i know at least 1 unicyclist who (i am pretty sure) started to be “cool”
Thank you Matt.
Thread over.
I agree a lot of it has to do with the learning curve. If a skater spent as much time learning and perfecting uni as they do skating, they’d be a pretty good uniist.
For another question: Do skaters post skating threads in RecSportSkating and not JC?
TorkerDX, are you ever going to take that revolting RAPE comment out of your sig?
I hope that never happens. I hate average-ness:D
You’ve obviously never seen skaters at any typical highschool.
I don’t hang much at High Schools, skaters are banned at my kid’s school campus. I have seen friend’s kid’s spend hours each nite honing their skills on their driveway ramp. If he spent that much time on uni he’d be an awsome rider.
4 words make us not be mainstream
free wheel
big air
it will never be mainstream…it is going to get more popular, but it is a lot more popular than most people realize. i bet its 10-1 skateboarders to unicyclists, but most people who ride unicycles are a little sketchy about going up to someone and telling them.
10-1 is probably an overestimate…there are a LOT of people who at least consider themselves skaters. But you’re right about lack of ‘big air’ keeping people from unicycling. The best stuff being done doesn’t even look all that cool to the general public, and the amazing street riders we admire so much that spend 10 hours a day practicing are probably mostly looked at funny by your average person.
I think 1000-1 would still be a low estimate.
Though there is very little risk of unicycling becoming mainstream, it may eventually become socially acceptable. People are already starting to see it as a sport rather than “clown stuff,” just not that many. This will continue. And that will bring with it the idea that “most” people can learn to ride one. It doesn’t take being born into the circus, exceptional balance, or any of those other mythical beliefs non-riders try to use as excuses.
I think having unicycles at schools are really helping too. Like at my school in the gym we have about 20-30 unicycles and about 1/3 the students unicycle (ride around and stuff). If there were nobody at my school that ever rode a unicycle then i would be like an outcast, but since they know that unicycling is a fun thing to do, they dont think much of it
well i dont want it to get it to be mainstream either. I like being the only person in my school of 2000 students that rides a unicycle. I like it being not so popular because i think if there were people riding unicycles everywhere it wouldnt be so fun anymore.