Unicycling Philosophy(what have you realized?)

True, some kids at school taught me that one. I had no idea that unicycling would change me that much…

As a general rule of thumb, I never am. Life’s no fun when you’re serious.

Well yes, obviously…being black makes you wear gold chains, baggy clothes, and basketball shoes. Durh.

kidding…don’t hurt me, NAACP

hehe awsomeness

Whatever you do-- make it look easy.

I learned that long ago from guitar.

More of this on this thread.

I’ve learnt the importance of focus and the placebo effect.

ive learnt that the suicide mount doesnt involve killing yourself.

Like it or not, I’m going to fall down! And sooner or later, I’m going to hurt myself; but at least most of those times I’ll be smiling and maybe even laughing.
Or I could just slump inside all day. Enjoying life has immediate dangers; not enjoying life avoids those dangers.


You don’t need wings to fly.

Ha! That’s how I feel whenever I go the unicycle meetings in NYC, or watch some of the video’s on site. Luckily, I then go out and cruise locally, and folks remark how awesome it is to ride a unicycle, then I feel better.

Another thing I have realised is that I don’t care how much better other people are than me. I know that, particularly with my clumsiness and unbalancedness I am doing well to ride at all. I just enjoy what I can do.

(Except I do wish I could be better at freemounting my big wheels, I do practice, I do)

I also realized that, and I believe that it has contributed to me actually getting better on my uni, and at snowboarding

I used to get all concerned in the terrain park when I was snowboarding if people were doing stuff that was better than what I was doing that I was going to look stupid. When I stopped worrying about that i got lots better, and unicycling made me realize that.

Unicycling may be the greatest sport ever.

Actually since I’ve been riding a unicycle, I’ve realized that my legs are short. Never took notice, but except for my 20" torker, I’ve had to cut down the frame and post of all my unicycles. Sure am glad that I can manage the 36" wheel.

I’ve learned that when people are watching you unicycle, you better give them a good impression on the sport and not wipe out and break your arm trying to do a trials line for the 19th time.

that when i do big drops people think im crazy