unicycling pains

So I am starting to hop up on stuff with the seat out front, but the seat rubs against my inner thigh and really starts to hurt it. This is tolerable but i was wondering if anyone had some stories from experience or tips or whatever.

Cycling shorts help a bit, but also work on your upper body strength and try riding longer distances while holding the seat as far out in front of you as you can, so it’s not touching your legs at all…then, you can balance and ride and hop seat in front all without the seat ever touching your special parts!

Keep riding SIF, and actually practice riding SIF.

With more practice jumping SIF and riding SIF, you’ll be able to hold the seat out farther from you and get rid of the rubbing.

You’ll get used to it and it will stop itself. I think everyone here had to go through the thigh pains/rash/rubbing/irritations.

Keep riding SIF, and actually practice riding SIF.

With more practice jumping SIF and riding SIF, you’ll be able to hold the seat out farther from you and get rid of the rubbing.

You’ll get used to it and it will stop itself. I think everyone here had to go through the thigh pains/rash/rubbing/irritations.

it is a thing everyone goes through. if you ride regularly you won’t feel it anymore. after maybe 2 or 3 days

Yeah this is why si rocks.

you just have to keep doin it to get used to it

Jerrick said it best, practice riding seat in front holding the seat as far in front as possible. Also work on upper body strength. Then you’ll be able to balance and ride and hop seat in front, but without the seat touching your legs at all! Or very little, at least.

yeah, just hold the seat as far behind where the seatpost screws on as possible. you’ll also get higher hops that way!
you’re from Cheney??? sweeeet! i’m up by Deer Park! There are also a whole lot of Spokane riders! maybe you already know most of them…

You’ll find the pain goes away when you post unicycle threads in RSU instead of JC.

BTW, I’m in Cheney for the State B Track Meet from Thursday nite through Saturday. Might have time for a Coker ride Friday AM or some trials between heats at EWU.

or you can buy spandex…like athletic works bike shorts and stuff to help with the rubbing…