Unicycling on a tight(but slack) wire whilst juggling 5 clubs

I just linked it because giocologgi said he had never seen someone juggle five clubs. comparing someone to vova galchenko is like comparing someone to vasek klouda, you just don’t do it.

unicycling and juggling on a slack cable

hello all :slight_smile:

dude, what you’re doing is awesome! I love the whole concept of doing many different and challenging things all at the same time! keep it up!

for your enjoyment: http://www.youtube.com/user/mikethe1wheelnut#p/a/u/0/v7rHQJAaKuI

(like you?) this is a trick that I have wanted to do for years, and, well… still can’t quite believe it :slight_smile:

hope to meet up with all of you some day…

-mike :slight_smile: