Unicycling & job interviews

I’ve got ProjectUni listed as a personal project on my resume as well as Munimage (http://vimeo.com/1409682) in my multimedia portfolio and both things always lead into a discussion of unicycling and muni, I think it really helps people remember you and lets them know you aren’t afraid to think out of the box. I just landed a paid internship doing 3d interface R&D and the unicycling stuff is part of what caught their eye when they were looking for people to call in for interviews.

I’ll answer these -

I like to add in something totally random to my ‘interest’ field on my resume. I feel it gives a good conversational point and makes it easier for me to be remembered. Sometimes it’s unicycle racing, sometimes it’s unicycle hockey, sometimes it’s juggling, etc etc.

No even if I won anything. It’s a little OTT I’d feel.

I doubt so. I think the uniqueness of unicycling overrides the natural urge for people to judge you by gender.

No, I’m in the creative industry (kind of) so I believe they’re on the lookout for someone with a bit of an outgoing personality.

One of the reasons I keep unicycling on my resume is because if people are judging you negatively for your differences in hobbies, it’s really a place you don’t want to work for anyway.

  1. Yes of course.

  2. I have never won anything in unicycling or anything else except Karate. I won a whopping great trophy in Karate. Perhaps I should have put that on my CV.

  3. I expect it depends on whether the interviewers are male or female.

  4. No. In my field they’re all bonkers :slight_smile: Some of them are a bit boring though.

Let us know if you got the job, and PM me to tell me all about it!!!