I’ve just got back from yet another job interview, which went pretty well I think. After a load of questions and info about the job in question, he ended with the question…
“When I go home later today, what would make me remember you over the other applicants, and make you stick in my mind?”
So of course I had to mention the Muni, which I had already listed under hobbies/interests on my original application I sent to the guy, who replied…
“OH! You’re that freak! Hahaha!”
He was very interested in how I got into learning to ride etc, and he seemed pretty interested in the world of unicycling. After that he ended the interview, and I went on my way.
I hope I get the job, and I hope he does remember me over some of the other people he’s interviewed because of my unusual and interesting hobby.
Anybody else had a similar experience and/or managed to get a job because the employer has remembered them for their unicycling?
I changed jobs around April and during the interview I mentionned I needed to get vacations because I wanted to go to Moab Munifest in March 2009!
The interviewers were baffled and noticed I seemed in fairly good physical condition (for my age! :D) so after all a white old bear could fit the job!
too bad I came to the office afterwards with a broken wrist
I think it helps alot. It makes people notice your CV and remember you. I wasn’t asked about it much in my last interview (but I got the job :)), but just after that interview I had a call from a recruiter who said she’s calling me because she noticed the unicycling bit on my CV, apparently they all had a laugh at it in the office before she rang me to offer me the chance to go for a job with Wiggle (big internet bike shop)!
I think it helps as it shows you have drive and determination to achieve things, and enjoy challenges, as well as showing that you’re really not ever going to be boring!
Dunno if it was because of the unicycling, but I did get the job I start on Monday. It’s just a little too far away for me to use my unicycle as transport though, and I’d probably get killed on the roads round here.
I will no doubt mention unicycling in my interview for sixth form college in January. They ask about hobbies and interests and unicycling is undoubtably the biggest!
I had a phone interview and my CV had casually mentioned distance unicycle rides in the interests field alongside other random hobbies that I felt like listing at that point in time.
So at the end of my interview I actually was asked if I was serious. And I had a short talk about unicycle races and stuff.
I wanted to play Santa Claus when my company organised a gift giving meeting for children… I thought I was highly qualified:
I am about the same age as Santa Claus
I could arrive on a uni (because the reindeers are on strike!)
this year Santa Claus is slimmer (because Ma Claus wanted it that way!)
this year I have a shorter white beard (Ma Claus again!)
Alas the organisation was unimpressed and hired one of those fake things with a fake white beard …
I will try again next year!!!