Unicycling is NOT lame.

I just want to make sure that everyone who saw my other thread titled “Unicycling is lame” knows that it was an April Fools prank.

I’m not quitting unicycling, nor do I think it’s a waste of time.

Being part of this community has allowed me to meet so many incredible people, travel to places I would have never seen and have countless incredible memories.

Ride safe everyone!

We’re not that forgiving.

You think you can make us all feel really bad, and then after we stay suffering for FOUR miserable days, pretend you just made it all up just so you can get back in our good graces.

You think unicyclists are so hard up for people to join our community that we accept ANYONE?

Nosiree. You’re not going to have unicyclists to make fun of anymore!

You are banned from our little Garden of Eden! You will forever remain on the outside looking in.

We see you. We’re just ignoring you.


You’ve hurted our feelings. That is unacceptable.


Put your clown suit back on and go ride, lame-o.

No need to apologize. Even a lamo-geezer rider like me knew it was an April Fools joke as soon as it was posted, even with the fact your time zone is three hours ahead of mine.

Anybody who took that thread seriously should not post for a week. And also get off my front lawn, I’m not giving away all my unicycles.

I was going to say something, but I forgot it.

Oh, I was going to say something like “Don’t talk about cameras on this thread” or something of the sort…



i feel a little immature now, but selective reading makes things interesting.
nuff said

how could you do this to me Brian… how… after all the memories we shared.

You pull a prank on all your good friends…

it stings like the bee…


Make up your mind Brian.

Now I have to try to peel that new “Unicycling is Lame” sticker off the old “Unicycling Is Not Lame” sticker and hope the glue doesn’t stick.

It took me an hour to line it properly to put the new one on when you convinced me that it really was lame…it’s gonna be as think as my 5 years of insurance sticker soon.


The Fonz forgives you of your sins, only if you try

Howard 9:16
“Cunningham, with that Howdy Doody face, you can only be so tough. But I’ll tell you something. Now, with a little practice, there’s always hope”

Let us Ay,
