Haha any one notice the date. APRIL FOOLS DAY
Hahaha, I know, but if people are being insane today, I’ll still take their unis lol! I plan on being as lame as possible for the rest of my life.
rofl april fools?
…that hurt…4-1
I think he’s serious. Why else would he post a unicycle thread in JC?
Poor planning, you should have known that were not all on the east coast, you posted it on my 31st
haha nice, April fools day never seems to get boring
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time”
EDIT… I thought this was serious. I should really read threads before posting…
Happy april fools day. Pretend this post never happend. =]
haha, I didn’t realize the date 'till someone said it…
ya its all fun and games till he gets back on and say it wasn’t a joke
Haha same for me, I actually thought that it might be an april fools joke but dismissed the idea because it was still the 31st when he posted
Dang, i gotta keep up with the dates
I hope Phil is okay. He seemed to having a rough time with this thread. I think it hurt him deep down inside to hear of deserting unicyclists. I’m concerned for him.
He’ll be more than fine in a week or two once a certain thing that will hang on my wall gets here.
I’ll be better when you get a guitar?
Hehe, youll see what it is once you get here.
It isnt something musically playable.
wait … does it need to get here? or do i need to come over… because i am close to you house now…
You can still play most objects percussively.
Its something that needs to get here. Not sure when, but within a week or two.
I think it’s a poster/banner of sorts.