Unicycling is expensive around here!

heheheh yea its a nice image

another topic of this thread is…

Is really hard to bring people into the sport here in brazil.
Look. Someone came and says…

  • Hi , where can i buy one of this? is it expensive?
  • Yea, if you have a friend going to usa you can buy one for 400 bucks, if you dont you can ask them to ship trought mail… it will be like 700-800 bucks.
  • Ah okay thanks

after i say the price everyone just loose the interest heheh

Hola picado,

Have you tried this web site?

This place is in Spain. They have good prices and the owner (Pepe) can probably help you get a good price on the shipping charges. You can contact him for a quote in this address:
Or here:
Good luck and I hope this helps!!

It’s hard for me to bring people into the sport here in the USA too. I meet a lot of people while riding and if they look seriously interested I will show them how to mount the unicycle by grabbing onto a rail, but many times they are either too scared to try it, they try it once and decide it’s not for them, or they say they’ll get a unicycle and I never see them again.

In the 5 years of riding I know of maybe one person who took up riding as a result of talking to me. There are probably others who started riding after talking to me but I don’t know about it.

yea… but in usa you can easy buy a unicycle for 100 bucks

here this 100 bucks will transform in 300 bucks :astonished:

i got a friend that lives in the same building and he started to ride on my old unicycle. now he bought a torker dx trial and he is riding…

but he only have a chance to buy it because his mom was going to usa

c viu o cara? “hola picado” hehehe

cara, essa eh a merda de realidade de se viver num país fudido. c tah falando com gente de outra realidade. não funciona. os caras nem entendem pq q eh caro. não adianta discutir isso. o unico jeito de fazer mono ficar barato por aqui eh se muita gente começar a andar e isso soh vai acontecer se NÓS fizermos o esporte ficar popular.

ah! e tem o mono q o saulo (o cara da minha facu) tah desenvolvendo neh… tomara q fique bom. se ficara jah eh!!

né não piratão?


hahaha hola foi realmente foda…

Eh cara… os caras nao tao ligado… eles tao pensando qeu eu to puto pq eu quero comprar UM mono…
mais eles nao entendem que eu to reclamando da merda de realidade que agente vive…
Tipo que a gente nao mora num pais de primeiro mundo e tem que gastar o tripo pra poder praticar o esporte…
o pior eh ver esses fdp com 20 monociclos na garagem e ainda falando… bah nao tenho o melhor mono… aheuhau

eu nem to falando tanto por mim… gracas a deus tenho condicoes de comprar outro mono pra mim quando o meu quebrar…

mais eh foda pra quem nao tem… e tem que se submeter a porra do Jr malabares aeuHE´poaEEuhaeaeuhE

Ahoy Pirata!

Wow! I can speak and read a little Spanish but Portuguese is very different. I always wondered about that.

Make sure that everyone on this forum knows that they should bring you a new unicycle whenever they visit Brasil.


if they come to brazil its will be a great help heheh